Written on 2021-01-21
Here are some projects we are making or helping to develop.
Collection of a dozen examples of different CL documentation systems.
All examples have a similar structure and use GitHub Actions to update GitHub pages.
You will find a short summary on each documentation builder on the main project's site.
It is implementation of Hamcrest idea in Common Lisp.
It simplifes unittests and make them more readable. Hamcrest uses idea of pattern-matching, to construct matchers from different pieces and to apply them to the data.
Works nicely with Fukamachi's Prove and Rove unittesting frameworks, but could be extended to support other frameworks.
An organization behind 12 Forks site. This is a tool to learn which pulls are waiting for your attention.
Use log4cl-extras instead.
Use gh-pages instead.
Provides a class for being used instead of asdf:package-inferred-system in 40ANT systems
Utilities making it easier to use Deploy library.
A custom theme for 40ANTS-DOC documentation builder.
Common Lake commands for 40Ants projects.
A set of helpers to start JSON-RPC server based on https://40ants.com/openrpc/ library.
Utilities to simplify use of Postgresql in my Common Lisp projects
GitHub action to build documentation for Common Lisp libraries.
Calculates text width as if it be rendered by a web browser.
Brew formula generator for common lisp projects
A fix for CL+SSL library paths on OSX needed when you have Intel and Arm64 Homebrew installations. Should be loaded before CL+SSL.
Media files for cl-telegram-bot documentation.
A Clack middleware to set CORS related HTTP headers.
Clack middleware to serve stats in Prometheus format.
Sitemap generator for your site written in Common Lisp
A helper to analyze cloud storage usage.
Addon for 40ants-doc documentation builder allowing to use PlantUML diagrams in your documentation.
A generic documentation builder for Common Lisp projects.
A demo repository showing how to combine different Clack applications, serve static and add other middlewares.
A web app to render SVG badges with results of GitHub action run.
A thin wrapper to package https://github.com/takagi/lake for OSX using Homebrew.
A better date duration representation for Common Lisp programs
A demo of interactive image based development in Common Lisp, created specially for YouTube video.
Lack, the core of Clack (this fork is obsolete, all patches were merged)
A wrapper around SBLINT, which uses defmain for command line parsing
An archive of the lisp-hug maillist.
Functions to configure log4cl for different contexts: REPL, Backend, Command Line Application.
ED Weidz's LispWorks Add Ons
LispWorks Editor color theme addon
This system originally was written by Edi Weitz.
Vim Mode for the LispWorks editor.
Приложение для изучения неправильных глаголов, созданное с помощью нейросети Qwen.
OpenRPC implementation for Common Lisp
Wrapper around PlantUML jar library
A bunch of Mystic templates to create CL library, web-project, API microservice and CLI command.
Extension for prometheus.cl which collects metrics about garbage collector state.
A fix to make ql:quickload work with package inferred ASDF systems better
Content management system for sites built on Reblocks web framework
Addon for monitoring Reblocks web applications
A Widget with editor supporting markup and inline preview
A Typeahead widget for Reblocks Common Lisp framework.
Second version of UI toolkit for Reblocks – Common Lisp web-framework (Work In Progress)
A Common Lisp client library for sending emails via resend.com
GitHub Action to run tests of your Common Lisp library.
These examples show how to build so or dll dynamic libraries using SBCL (Common Lisp implementation)
The web scraping framework for writing crawlers in Common Lisp.
GitHub Action to Setup Common Lisp tools
Utilities to start SLYNK if needed and to track active connections.
Flexible and customizable static site generator with a lot of plugins!
New test lib
A tree shaker for SBCL
This fork was created to experiment with some refactorings. They are collected in branch "reblocks".
A system to add an authentication to the Weblocks based site.
A demo for Moscow Common Lisp Group's meetup
A file browser for Weblocks web framework.
A helper for Weblocks framework to define widget dependencies in LASS syntax.
A widget which changes it's children when user goes to another URL
An utility to define JavaScript dependencies for Weblocks widgets using Parenscript.
An opionated boilerplate app, which uses Weblocks, Postgres and Docker.
A set of widget for Weblocks framework, to simplify UI elements creation. Based on Zurb's Foundation and jQuery.
Websocket support for Common Lisp framework weblocks.
Need to tag 50 projects
SVG version of the great "Made with Lisp" logo by Manfred Spiller:
It scales nicely and could be used in site's footer. For example, look at our's footer.
There is also [other SVG version](https://github.com/azzamsa/lisp-logo) of this logo by Azzam S.A