40Ants Doc Manual
About this fork
This system is a fork of MGL-PAX.
There are a few reasons, why I've created the fork.
The main goal is to extract a core features into the 40ants-doc
with as little dependencies as possible. This is important, because with MGL-PAX
style, you define documentation sections in your library's code, which makes
it dependent on the documentation system. However, heavy weight dependencies
, 3BMD
should not be required.
The seconds goal was to refactor a 3.5k lines of pax.lisp
file into
a smaller modules to make navigation easier. This will help any person
who will decide to learn how the documentation builder works. Also,
granular design will make it possible loading subsystems like SLIME
or SLY
The third goal was to make documentation processing more sequential and hackable.
To introduce hooks for adding new markup languages, and HTML
Why this fork is different
Here are features already implemented in this fork:
Core system
now has only two dependencies onNAMED-READTABLES
. If you want to compile a documentation, load40ants-doc-full
system which will download such dependencies as markdown parser and more.Now you don't have to import any locative symbols into your package. Import only a
macro and it will be enough to define documentation for your library!Added a warning mechanism, which will issue such warnings on words which looks like a symbol, but when real symbol or reference is absent:
WARNING: Unable to find target for reference #<XREF "FIND-SOURCE" GENERIC-FUNCTION>
mentioned at 40Ants Doc Manual / Extension API / Reference Based Extensions
Documentation processing now uses CommonDoc as intermediate format, and markup languages other than Markdown can be supported.
Added a
search index which will work when you are hosting pages on a static website like GitHub pages.It is possible to render pages in multiple formats and having cross references between them. See
Multiple Formats
I'm planning to extend this fork even more. Read todo
section to learn about
proposed features or start a new discussion
on the GitHub to suggest a new feature.
See full list of changes in the ChangeLog
40ANTS-DOC ASDF System Details
Version: 0.12.0
Description: Allows to put documentation inside lisp files and cross-reference between different entities. Based on
Author: Alexander Artemenko
Mailto: svetlyak.40wt@gmail.com
Homepage: https://40ants.com/doc
Bug tracker: https://github.com/40ants/doc/issues
Source control: GIT
Depends on: asdf, named-readtables, pythonic-string-reader, serapeum, uiop
40ANTS-DOC-FULL ASDF System Details
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Documentation generator. You will need to load this system, to build documentation for a library which uses
Author: Alexander Artemenko
Mailto: svetlyak.40wt@gmail.com
Homepage: https://40ants.com/doc
Bug tracker: https://github.com/40ants/doc/issues
Source control: GIT
Depends on: 40ants-doc, alexandria, babel, cl-fad, cl-ppcre, closer-mop, common-doc, common-html, commondoc-markdown, dexador, docs-config, fare-utils, jonathan, lass, local-time, log4cl, named-readtables, pythonic-string-reader, serapeum, slynk, spinneret, stem, str, swank, tmpdir, which, xml-emitter
Here is the official repository and the HTML documentation for the latest version.
This system is a fork of the MGL-PAX. Because of massive refactoring, it is incompatible with original repository.
Here is the story behind the MGL-PAX
, precursor of 40ants-doc
, written
by Gábor Melis.
As a user, I frequently run into documentation that's incomplete
and out of date, so I tend to stay in the editor and explore the
code by jumping around with SLIME
's M-.
. As a library
author, I spend a great deal of time polishing code, but precious
little writing documentation.
In fact, I rarely write anything more comprehensive than docstrings for exported stuff. Writing docstrings feels easier than writing a separate user manual and they are always close at hand during development. The drawback of this style is that users of the library have to piece the big picture together themselves.
That's easy to solve, I thought, let's just put all the narrative that holds docstrings together in the code and be a bit like a Literate Programming weenie turned inside out. The original prototype which did almost everything I wanted was this:
(defmacro defsection (name docstring)
`(defun ,name () ,docstring))
Armed with defsection
, I soon found myself organizing code following
the flow of user level documentation and relegated comments to
implementational details entirely. However, some portions of
docstrings were just listings of all the functions,
macros and variables related to the narrative, and this list was
effectively repeated in the DEFPACKAGE
form complete with little
comments that were like section names. A clear violation of
OAOO, one of them had to go, so defsection
got a list of
symbols to export.
That was great, but soon I found that the listing of symbols is
ambiguous if, for example, a function, a compiler macro and a class
are named by the same symbol. This did not concern exporting, of
course, but it didn't help readability. Distractingly, on such
symbols, M-.
was popping up selection dialogs. There were two
birds to kill, and the symbol got accompanied by a type which was
later generalized into the concept of locatives:
(defsection @introduction ()
"A single line for one man ..."
(foo class)
(bar function))
After a bit of elisp hacking, M-.
was smart enough to disambiguate
based on the locative found in the vicinity of the symbol and
everything was good for a while.
Then I realized that sections could refer to other sections if there
were a section
locative. Going down that path, I soon began to feel
the urge to generate pretty documentation as all the necessary
information was manifest in the defsection
forms. The design
constraint imposed on documentation generation was that following
the typical style of upcasing symbols in docstrings there should be
no need to explicitly mark up links: if M-.
works, then the
documentation generator shall also be able find out what's being
referred to.
I settled on Markdown as a reasonably non-intrusive
format, and a few thousand lines later MGL-PAX
was born.
provides an extremely poor man's Explorable Programming
environment. Narrative primarily lives in so called sections that
mix markdown docstrings with references to functions, variables,
etc, all of which should probably have their own docstrings.
The primary focus is on making code easily explorable by using
's M-.
). See how to enable some
fanciness in Emacs Integration
. Generating documentation
from sections and all the referenced items in Markdown or HTML
format is also implemented.
With the simplistic tools provided, one may accomplish similar effects as with Literate Programming, but documentation is generated from code, not vice versa and there is no support for chunking yet. Code is first, code must look pretty, documentation is code.
When the code is loaded into the lisp, pressing M-.
the name of the section will take you there. Sections can also refer
to other sections, packages, functions, etc and you can keep exploring.
Here is an example of how it all works together:
(uiop:define-package #:foo-random
(:nicknames #:40ants-doc-full/tutorial)
(:documentation "This package provides various utilities for
random. See @FOO-RANDOM-MANUAL.")
(:use #:common-lisp
(:import-from #:40ants-doc/ignored-words
(:export #:foo-random-state
(in-package foo-random)
(defsection @foo-random-manual (:title "Foo Random manual"
:ignore-words ("FOO"))
"Here you describe what's common to all the referenced (and
exported) functions that follow. They work with *FOO-STATE*,
and have a :RANDOM-STATE keyword arg. Also explain when to
choose which."
(foo-random-state class)
(state (reader foo-random-state))
"Hey we can also print states!"
(print-object (method () (foo-random-state t)))
(*foo-state* variable)
(gaussian-random function)
(uniform-random function)
;; this is a subsection
(@foo-random-examples section))
(defclass foo-random-state ()
((state :reader state
:documentation "Returns random foo's state.")))
(defmethod print-object ((object foo-random-state) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)))
(defvar *foo-state* (make-instance 'foo-random-state)
"Much like *RANDOM-STATE* but uses the FOO algorithm.")
(defun uniform-random (limit &key (random-state *foo-state*))
"Return a random number from the between 0 and LIMIT (exclusive)
uniform distribution."
(declare (ignore limit random-state))
(defun gaussian-random (stddev &key (random-state *foo-state*))
"Return not a random number from a zero mean normal distribution with
(declare (ignore stddev random-state))
(defsection @foo-random-examples (:title "Examples")
"Let's see the transcript of a real session of someone working
with FOO:
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
=> (1 2)
(make-instance 'foo-random-state)
Generating documentation in a very stripped down markdown format is easy:
:format :markdown)
For this example, the generated markdown would look like this:
# Foo Random manual
Here you describe what's common to all the referenced (and
exported) functions that follow. They work with [`*foo-state*`][2133],
and have a `:RANDOM-STATE` keyword arg. Also explain when to
choose which.
## [class](0d91) `foo-random:foo-random-state` ()
## [reader](d52a) `foo-random:state` (foo-random-state) ()
Returns random foo's state.
Hey we can also print states!
<a id="x-28PRINT-OBJECT-20-28METHOD-20NIL-20-28FOO-RANDOM-3AFOO-RANDOM-STATE-20T-29-29-29"></a>
## [method](501f) `common-lisp:print-object` (object foo-random-state) stream
<a id="x-28FOO-RANDOM-3A-2AFOO-STATE-2A-20-28VARIABLE-29-29"></a>
## [variable](ab78) `foo-random:*foo-state*` #<foo-random-state >
Much like `*RANDOM-STATE*` but uses the `FOO` algorithm.
## [function](1bb1) `foo-random:gaussian-random` stddev &key (random-state \*foo-state\*)
Return not a random number from a zero mean normal distribution with
## [function](3d30) `foo-random:uniform-random` limit &key (random-state \*foo-state\*)
Return a random number from the between 0 and `LIMIT` (exclusive)
uniform distribution.
## Examples
Let's see the transcript of a real session of someone working
with `FOO`:
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
=> (1 2)
(make-instance 'foo-random-state)
[2133]: #x-28FOO-RANDOM-3A-2AFOO-STATE-2A-20-28VARIABLE-29-29
[0d91]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L35
[d52a]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L36
[501f]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L39
[ab78]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L42
[3d30]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L45
[1bb1]: https://github.com/40ants/doc/blob/165e8162ca653039e2eb3de1ffa9f28603690678/full/tutorial.lisp#L51
supported the plain text format which was more readble when viewed
from a simple text editor, but I've dropped support for plain text in this fork
because most time documentation are read in the browser these days.
To render into the files, use 40ants-doc-full/builder:render-to-files
and 40ants-doc-full/builder:update-asdf-system-docs
Last one can even generate documentation for different, but related
libraries at the same time with the output going to different files,
but with cross-page links being automatically added for symbols
mentioned in docstrings. See Generating Documentation
some convenience functions to cover the most common cases.
in the defsection
form includes its documentation in
. The symbols variable
and function
are just two
instances of 'locatives' which are used in defsection
to refer to
definitions tied to symbols. See Locative Types
The transcript in the code block tagged with cl-transcript
automatically checked for up-to-dateness. See
Emacs Integration
Integration into SLIME
's M-.
) allows one
to visit the source location of the thing that's identified by a
symbol and the locative before or after the symbol in a buffer. With
this extension, if a locative is the previous or the next expression
around the symbol of interest, then M-.
will go straight to the
definition which corresponds to the locative. If that fails, M-.
will try to find the definitions in the normal way which may involve
popping up an xref buffer and letting the user interactively select
one of possible definitions.
Note that the this feature is implemented in terms of
whose support varies across the Lisp
implementations. Sadly, but this integration does not with SLY
it does not support hooks on finding definition.
In the following examples, pressing M-.
when the cursor is on one
of the characters of FOO
or just after FOO
, will visit the
definition of function FOO
function foo
foo function
(function foo)
(foo function)
In particular, references in a defsection
form are in (SYMBOL
) format so M-.
will work just fine there.
Just like vanilla M-.
, this works in comments and docstrings. In
this example pressing M-.
on FOO
will visit FOO
's default
;;;; See FOO `(method () (t t t))` for how this all works.
;;;; But if the locative has semicolons inside: FOO `(method
;;;; () (t t t))`, then it won't, so be wary of line breaks
;;;; in comments.
With a prefix argument (C-u M-.
), one can enter a symbol plus a
locative separated by whitespace to preselect one of the
The M-.
extensions can be enabled by adding this to your Emacs
initialization file (or loading src/pax.el
;;; M-. integration
(defun 40ants-doc-edit-locative-definition (name &optional where)
(or (40ants-doc-locate-definition name (40ants-doc-locative-before))
(40ants-doc-locate-definition name (40ants-doc-locative-after))
(40ants-doc-locate-definition name (40ants-doc-locative-after-in-brackets))
;; support "foo function" and "function foo" syntax in
;; interactive use
(let ((pos (cl-position ?\s name)))
(when pos
(or (40ants-doc-locate-definition (cl-subseq name 0 pos)
(cl-subseq name (1+ pos)))
(40ants-doc-locate-definition (cl-subseq name (1+ pos))
(cl-subseq name 0 pos)))))))
(defun 40ants-doc-locative-before ()
(ignore-errors (save-excursion
(defun 40ants-doc-locative-after ()
(ignore-errors (save-excursion
(defun 40ants-doc-locative-after-in-brackets ()
(ignore-errors (save-excursion
(skip-chars-forward "`" (+ (point) 1))
(when (and (= 1 (skip-chars-forward "\\]" (+ (point) 1)))
(= 1 (skip-chars-forward "\\[" (+ (point) 1))))
(progn (search-forward "]" nil (+ (point) 1000))
(1- (point))))))))
(defun 40ants-doc-locate-definition (name locative)
(when locative
(let ((location
;; Silently fail if mgl-pax is not loaded.
`(cl:when (cl:find-package :mgl-pax)
(cl:symbol-name :locate-definition-for-emacs) :mgl-pax)
,name ,locative)))))
(when (and (consp location)
(not (eq (car location) :error)))
(list (make-slime-xref :dspec `(,name)
:location location))
"dummy name"
(when (boundp 'slime-edit-definition-hooks)
(add-hook 'slime-edit-definition-hooks '40ants-doc-edit-locative-definition))
Note, there is also another part of Emacs code, related to
transcription blocks. It is described in Transcripts
Now let's examine the most important pieces in detail.
Defining Sections
Define a documentation section and maybe export referenced symbols.
A bit behind the scenes, a global variable with NAME
is defined and
is bound to a section
object. By convention, section names
start with the character @
. See Tutorial
for an example.
consists of docstrings and references. Docstrings are
arbitrary strings in markdown format, references are defined in the
(symbol locative) or ((symbol1 symbol2 ... symboln) locative)
For example, (FOO FUNCTION)
refers to the function FOO
, (@BAR
says that @BAR
is a subsection of this
one. (BAZ (METHOD () (T T T)))
refers to the default method of the
three argument generic function BAZ
equivalent to (FOO (FUNCTION))
A locative in a reference can either be a symbol or it can be a list
whose CAR
is a symbol. In either case, the symbol is the called the
type of the locative while the rest of the elements are the locative
arguments. See Locative Types
for the list of locative
types available out of the box.
The same symbol can occur multiple times in ENTRIES
, typically
with different locatives, but this is not required.
The references are not looked up (see 40ants-doc/reference:resolve
in the
Extension API
) until documentation is generated, so it is
allowed to refer to things yet to be defined.
If you set :EXPORT
to true, the referenced symbols and NAME
candidates for exporting. A candidate symbol is exported if
it is accessible in
) andthere is a reference to it in the section being defined with a locative whose type is approved by
The original idea with confounding documentation and exporting is to force
documentation of all exported symbols. However when forking MGL-PAX
I've decided explicit imports make code more readable, and
changed the default for :EXPORT
argument to NIL
and added automatic
warnings to help find exported symbols not referenced from the documention.
If you decide to use :EXPORT t
argument, note it will cause
package variance
error on SBCL
. To prevent it, use UIOP:DEFINE-PACKAGE
is a non-marked-up string or NIL
. If non-nil, it determines
the text of the heading in the generated output. :LINK-TITLE-TO
is a
reference given as an
pair or NIL
, to which the heading will link when
generating HTML
. If not specified, the heading will link to its own
(defaults to *discard-documentation-p*
is true, ENTRIES
will not be recorded to save memory.
argument can be a list of URL
s leading to documentation
of other libraries. These libraries should be documented using 40ants-doc
and you'll be able to mention symbols from them and have automatic
argument could contain an alist of ("name" . "URL
") pairs.
These pairs will be tranformed to name
text and appended to each
markdown part of the defined chapter. This argument is useful when you are
having more than one text part in the chapter and want to reference same
from all of them using short markdown links.
allows to pass a list of strings which should not cause
warnings. Usually these are uppercased words which are not symbols
in the current package, like SLIME
, etc.
can be used to ignore mentions of all symbols from these
packages. If given, it should be a list of strings. Comparison of
package names is case-sensitive.
When you use DOCS-BUILDER, you might want
to define a @readme variable to make README
.md file with the same content as
your main documentation. This case might be popular for libraries having
a short documentation.
To define @readme as a copy of the main doc, export @readme symbol and do this in the code:
(defparameter @readme (40ants-doc:copy-section @index))
The default value of defsection
One may want to set *DISCARD-DOCUMENTATION-P*
to true before
building a binary application.
Sometimes code might be generated without source location attached.
For example Mito generates slot readers this way. Such symbols should be added to this list to skip warnings during the documentation build.
Use such code to add a new symbol to ignore:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(pushnew 'reblocks-auth/models:profile-user
Returns a list of words or symbols to ignore in OBJ
's documentation.
Should return T
if objects implements a method for ignored-words
Adds given symbols or string to ignore list bound to the current package.
You will not be warned when one of these symbols is not documented or documented and not exported from the package.
You can cross-reference entries from different documentation parts be it
content of the defsection
or a documentation string of some lisp entity.
The simples form of cross reference is uppercased name of the entity, like:
. But if there are more than one locative
bound to the name, then all these links will be rendered in a parenthesis.
For example, docstring:
will be rendered as "See 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
)." because
there is a generic-function and a method called find-source
But you can mention a locative type in a docstring before or after a symbol name:
See 40ANTS-DOC/SOURCE-API:FIND-SOURCE generic-function.
and it will be rendered as: See 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
In case if you don't want locative type to appear in the resulting documentation or if locative type is complex, then you can use in a docstring markdown reference:
See [40ANTS-DOC/SOURCE-API:FIND-SOURCE][(method () (40ants-doc/reference:reference))].
and link will lead to the specified method: See 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
system provides an additional subsystem and package 40ANTS-DOC/AUTODOC
This subsystem contains a macro defautodoc
, which is similar to
, but generates a section filled with content of the given ASDF
This subsystem is not loaded by default because it brings a multiple additional dependencies:
but I'm trying to keep dependencies of the core 40ants-doc
system is minimal.
Use it if your don't care or your have docs in a separate ASDF
Macro defautodoc
collects all packages of the ASDF
system and analyzes all external symbols.
In resulting documentation symbols are grouped by packages and types.
Here is how you can define a section using defautodoc
(40ants/defautodoc @api (:system :cl-telegram-bot))
This form will generate complete API
reference for the CL-TELEGRAM-BOT
The most wonderful it that you can integrate this @api
section with handwritten
documentation like this:
(defsection @index (:title "cl-telegram-bot - Telegram Bot API")
(@installation section)
(@quickstart section)
(@api section))
When SHOW-SYSTEM-DESCRIPTION-P argument is not NIL, section will be started from the
description of the given ASDF system.
Argument IGNORE-PACKAGES can be used to exclude some packages from autogenerated docs.
This feature was added to not generate docs for symbols created automatically
by Telegram API spec in cl-telegram-bot, but might be useful for some other projects,
especially for ones which are using package-inferred ASDF system style. Warnings about
mentioning symbols from ignored packages are suppressed. Comparison of package names
is case-sensitive.
Generating Documentation
To make documentation builder work, you need to load 40ants-doc-full
asdf system.
There are two core functions which render documentation to a string or files:
Renders given CommonDoc node into the string using specified format.
Supported formats are :HTML
This function is useful for debugging 40ants-doc
Renders given sections or pages into a files on disk.
By default, it renders in to HTML
, but you can specify FORMAT
Supported formats are :HTML
Returns an absolute pathname to the output directory as the first value and pathnames corresponding to each of given sections.
is true, then builder will check if there
are other packages of the package-inferred system with external but
not documented symbols. Otherwise, external symbols are searched only
in packages with at least one documented entity.
is true, then builder rewrites filenames and urls to make
it possible to host files on site without showing .html files inside. Also,
you need to specify a BASE-URL
, to make urls absolute if you are rendering
markdown files together with HTML
is true, then all references to symbols will be
argument should be a theme class name. By default it is
. See Defining a Custom Theme
to learn how to define themes.
arguments allow to redefine theme's
settings for Highlight.js. Languages should be a list of strings where each
item is a language name, supported by Highlight.js. Theme should be a
name of a supported theme. You can preview different highlighting themes here
is true (default), then all symbols in documentation headers
are rendered in their fully qualified form. This helps a lot when you are documenting
a package inferred ASDF
When building HTML
documentation, this function also renders and index file `references.json
with references to all documented entities. You can give a list of urls to such reference files
argument of defsection
macro if you want to reference entities from other libraries.
Besides render-to-string
and render-to-files
a convenience function is provided
to serve the common case of having an ASDF
system with a readme and a directory for the
Generate pretty HTML
documentation for a single ASDF
possibly linking to github. If you are migrating from MGL-PAX
then note, this function replaces UPDATE-ASDF-SYSTEM-HTML-DOCS
while making it possible to generate
a crosslinks between README
.md and HTML
docs. The same way you
can generate a ChangeLog.md file using :CHANGELOG-SECTIONS
See Changelog Generation
section to learn about
arguments may be a single
item or a list.
See docs on render-to-files
function to learn about meaning of
Example usage:
(40ants-doc-full/builder:update-asdf-system-docs 40ants-doc-full/doc:@index
:readme-sections 40ants-doc-full/doc:@readme)
This is just a shorthand to call render-to-files
for ASDF
All sections, listed in :README-SECTIONS
argment will be concantenated into the README
Some symbols, referenced in the :README-SECTIONS
but not documented there will be
linked to the HTML
documentation. To make this work for a hosted static sites,
then provide :BASE-URL
of the site, otherwise, links will be relative.
this function supported such parameters as :UPDATE-CSS-P
and :PAGES
but in 40ants-doc
javascript and CSS
files are updated automatically. See documentation
on render-to-files
to learn how does page separation and other parameters work.
If you want a more generic wrapper for building documentation for your projects, take a look at DOCS-BUILDER.
Returns an ASDF
system currently documented by call to update-asdf-system-docs
This function can be used by your extensions to do add some additional features like github stripe "Fork Me".
A list of blocks of links to be display on the sidebar on the left,
above the table of contents. A block is of the form
, where TITLE
will be displayed at the top of the block in a
with id
, followed by the links. LINKS
is a list
Is not supported yet.
Like *document-html-top-blocks-of-links*
, only it is displayed
below the table of contents.
Is not supported yet.
Multiple Formats
With 40ants-doc
you can render HTML
and Markdown documentation simultaneously.
This way, you can cross-reference entities from the README
.md or ChangeLog.md to HTML
To render documents in multiple formats, you have to pass to function render-to-files
objects, but PAGE
objects. Page object consists of one or more sections and additional
information such as document format. A section can belong to a multiple pages usually having different
formats. This allows you to include "tutorial" section into both HTML
docs and README
Here is an example of rendering the full documentation and a README
with only introduction and tutorial:
(defsection @full-manual (:title "Manual")
(list @full-manual
(40ants-doc-full/page:make-page (list @introduction
:format :markdown
:base-filename "README")
(40ants-doc-full/page:make-page @changelog
:format :markdown
:base-filename "ChangeLog")))
The same approach works with the update-asdf-system-docs
Changelog Generation
This macro might be used to define a ChangeLog in a structured way.
With defchangelog
you specify a body where each sublist starts with
a version number and the rest is it's description in the markdown
format. You can mention symbols from the rest of the documentation
and they will be cross-linked automatically if you are using
Here is an example:
(defchangelog ()
"- Feature B implemented.
- Bug was fixed in function FOO.")
"- Project forked from [MGL-PAX](https://github.com/melisgl/mgl-pax).
- Feature A implemented."))
Github Workflow
It is generally recommended to commit generated readmes (see
) so that users have something to read
without reading the code and sites like github can display them.
documentation can also be committed, but there is an issue with
that: when linking to the sources (see make-github-source-uri-fn
the commit id is in the link. This means that code changes need to
be committed first, then HTML
documentation regenerated and
committed in a followup commit.
To serve static documentation, use gh-pages.
You can use a separate branch gh-pages
, or point GitHub Pages
to a docs
folder inside the main
Good description of this process is
Two commits needed still, but it is somewhat less painful.
This way the HTML
documentation will be available at
. It is probably a good
idea to add section like the Links
section to allow jumping
between the repository and the gh-pages site.
Return a function suitable as :SOURCE-URI-FN
the 40ants-doc-full/builder:render-to-files
function. The function looks the source
location of the reference passed to it, and if the location is
found, the path is made relative to the root directory of
and finally an URI
pointing to github is returned. The
looks like this:
"master" in the above link comes from GIT-VERSION
is NIL
, then an attempt is made to determine to
current commit id from the .git
in the directory holding
. If no .git
directory is found, then no links to
github will be generated.
argument is not given, function will try to
get URL
from ASDF
system's description. To make this work,
your system description should look like this:
(defsystem 40ants-doc
:source-control (:git "https://github.com/40ants/doc")
A separate warning is signalled whenever source location lookup
fails or if the source location points to a directory not below the
directory of ASDF-SYSTEM
Set this to a function of one argument.
The argument of this function will be a 40ants-doc/reference:reference
object and the result should be a full URL
leading to the web page where
referenced object can be viewed. Usually this is a GitHub's page.
When you are using 40ants-doc-full/builder:update-asdf-system-docs
this variable will be automatically bound to the result of
function call if
system has a :SOURCE-CONTROL
See 40ants-doc-full/github:make-github-source-uri-fn
for details.
Returns URI
for the reference object
if *source-uri-fn*
is bound to a function.
PAX World
supported a "World" which was a registry of documents, which can generate
cross-linked HTML
documentation pages for all the registered
But I decided to drop this feature for now, because usually build libraries documentation
separately as part of their CI
If somebody want's cross referencing between different libraries, then instead
of building their docs simultaneously, I'd suggest to create an index of entities,
provided by libraries and to store them as a JSON
file along with a library documentation.
This way it will be possible to enumerate such sources of cross references as usual URL
Such feature is not implemented in the 40ants-doc
system yet, but probably it will be
useful for libraries built around the Weblocks.
If you want to help and implement the feature, please, let me know.
Markdown Support
The Markdown in docstrings is processed with the
Docstrings can be indented in any of the usual styles.
normalizes indentation by converting:
(defun foo ()
"This is
(defun foo ()
"This is
Docstrings in sources are indented in various ways which can easily mess up markdown. To handle the most common cases leave the first line alone, but from the rest of the lines strip the longest run of leading spaces that is common to all non-blank lines."
You can use markdown syntax for inserting images:

This code will search image file in the current ASDF
system directory.
But some times you may want to refer images from some other ASDF
This could be useful for dist storage optimization - if you main system changes frequently
but images are not, then it is better to keep images in a separate ASDF
system and repository.
In this case you can give asdf system as a prefix to the image path:

Syntax highlighting
For syntax highlighting, github's fenced code blocks markdown extension to mark up code blocks with triple backticks is enabled so all you need to do is write:
(defun foo ())
to get syntactically marked up HTML
output. The language tag, elisp
in this example,
is optional and defaults to commonlisp
Originally MGL-PAX
used colorize for the syntax
highlighting, but 40ants-doc
uses Highlight.js which is able to
guess code block language if it is not specified. To minimize HTML
static size, Hightlight.js is configured to support only these languages:
There is a separate README where you will find instructions on how to support other languages.
Besides an automatic language detection, the other cool feature of Highlight.js
is it's support for different color themes. Here you can view all available themes:
There is no easy way to choose color theme yet, but probably this will be a nice
feature for 40ants-doc
Displaying pretty mathematics in TeX format is supported via
MathJax. It can be done inline with $
like this:
$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$
which is diplayed as $\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2}
dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$, or it can be delimited by $$
like this:
$$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$$
to get: $$\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$$
MathJax will leave code blocks (including those inline with
backticks) alone. Outside code blocks, escape $
by prefixing it
with a backslash to scare MathJax off.
Escaping all those backslashes in TeX fragments embedded in Lisp strings can be a pain. Pythonic String Reader can help with that.
Documentation Printer Variables
Docstrings are assumed to be in markdown format and they are pretty much copied verbatim to the documentation subject to a few knobs described below.
Note, some of these variables might be not supported yet in this fork.
When true, words with at least three characters and no lowercase
characters naming an interned symbol are assumed to be code as if
they were marked up with backticks which is especially useful when
combined with 40ants-doc-full/link:*document-link-code*
. For example, this docstring:
"`FOO` and FOO."
is equivalent to this:
"`FOO` and `FOO`."
if FOO
is an interned symbol.
When true, during the process of generating documentation for a
class, HTML
anchors are added before the documentation of
every reference that's not to a section. Also, markdown style
reference links are added when a piece of inline code found in a
docstring refers to a symbol that's referenced by one of the
sections being documented. Assuming BAR
is defined, the
documentation for:
(defsection @foo
(foo function)
(bar function))
(defun foo (x)
"Calls `BAR` on `X`."
(bar x))
would look like this:
- [function] FOO X
Calls [`BAR`][1] on `X`.
Instead of BAR
, one can write [bar][]
or [`bar`][]
as well.
Since symbol names are parsed according to READTABLE-CASE
, character
case rarely matters.
Now, if BAR
has references with different locatives:
(defsection @foo
(foo function)
(bar function)
(bar type))
(defun foo (x)
"Calls `BAR` on `X`."
(bar x))
then documentation would link to all interpretations:
- [function] FOO X
Calls `BAR`([`1`][link-id-1] [`2`][link-id-2]) on `X`.
This situation occurs with 40ants-doc:section
which is both a class (see
class) and a locative type denoted by a symbol (see
locative). Back in the example above, clearly,
there is no reason to link to type BAR
, so one may wish to select
the function locative. There are two ways to do that. One is to
specify the locative explicitly as the id of a reference link:
"Calls [BAR][function] on X."
However, if in the text there is a locative immediately before or
after the symbol, then that locative is used to narrow down the
range of possibilities. This is similar to what the M-.
does. In a nutshell, if M-.
works without questions then the
documentation will contain a single link. So this also works without
any markup:
"Calls function `BAR` on X."
This last option needs backticks around the locative if it's not a single symbol.
can be combined with
to have links generated for
uppercase names with no quoting required.
A non-negative integer. In their hierarchy, sections on levels less
than this value get numbered in the format of 3.1.2
. Setting it to
0 turns numbering off.
Is not supported yet.
Locative Types
These are the locatives type supported out of the box. As all locative types, they are symbols and their names should make it obvious what kind of things they refer to. Unless otherwise noted, locatives take no arguments.
This package holds all symbols denoting 40ants-doc
It serves for a forward declaration of supported locatives.
To build documentation you'll need to load the 40ants-doc-full
which includes methods supporting these locatives.
Refers to an asdf system. The generated documentation will include meta information extracted from the system definition. This also serves as an example of a symbol that's not accessible in the current package and consequently is not exported.
A title of the documentation section can be modified if you'll
define a method for 40ants-doc/locatives/asdf-system:asdf-system-documentation-title
specifier for the method.
Returns a title for a section describing an ASDF
You might want to define a method using EQL
to make a title shorter or to remove a system name from it.
Refers to a section defined by 40ants-doc:defsection
Refers to a global special variable. INITFORM
, or if not specified,
the global value of the variable is included in the documentation.
, or if not specified,
the value of the constant is included in the documentation.
Note that the arglist in the generated documentation depends on
. It may be that default
values of optional and keyword arguments are missing.
for the description of the arguments.
To refer to the default method of the three argument generic
function FOO
(foo (method () (t t t)))
To refer to an accessor named FOO-SLOT
of class
(foo-slot (accessor foo))
To refer to a reader named FOO-SLOT
of class
(foo-slot (reader foo))
To refer to a writer named FOO-SLOT
of class
(foo-slot (writer foo))
This is a synonym of function
with the difference that the often
ugly and certainly uninformative lambda list will not be printed.
Refers to a symbol in a non-specific context. Useful for preventing
autolinking. For example, if there is a function called FOO
will be linked to (if 40ants-doc-full/link:*document-link-code*
) its definition. However,
will not be. On a dislocated locative function 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate
always fails with a
) condition.
An alias for 40ants-doc/locatives:dislocated
, so the one can refer to an argument of a
macro without accidentally linking to a class that has the same name
as that argument. In the following example, FORMAT
may link to
(if we generated documentation for it):
Since argument
is a locative, we can prevent that linking by writing:
"See the FORMAT argument of DOCUMENT."
This is the locative for locatives. When M-.
is pressed on
, this is what makes it possible
leads to this very definition.
Refers to a region of a file. SOURCE
can be a string or a
pathname in which case the whole file is being pointed to or it can
explicitly supply START
locatives. include
is typically used to
include non-lisp files in the documentation (say markdown or elisp
as in the next example) or regions of lisp source files. This can
reduce clutter and duplication.
(defsection example-section ()
(pax.el (include #.(asdf:system-relative-pathname :40ants-doc "elisp/pax.el")
:lang "elisp"))
(foo-example (include (:start (foo function)
:end (end-of-foo-example variable))
:lang "commonlisp")))
(defun foo (x)
(1+ x))
;;; Since file regions are copied verbatim, comments survive.
(defmacro bar ())
;;; This comment is the last thing in FOO-EXAMPLE's
;;; documentation since we use the dummy END-OF-FOO-EXAMPLE
;;; variable to mark the end location.
(defvar end-of-foo-example)
;;; More irrelevant code follows.
In the above example, pressing M-.
on pax.el
will open the
file and put the cursor on its first character. M-.
will go to the source location of the (asdf:system
When documentation is generated, the entire pax.el
file is
included in the markdown as a code block. The documentation of
will be the region of the file from the source location
of the START
locative (inclusive) to the source location of the END
locative (exclusive). START
and END
default to the beginning and end
of the file, respectively.
Note that the file of the source location of :START
and :END
must be
the same. If SOURCE
is pathname designator, then it must be absolute
so that the locative is context independent.
Creates a block containing output of a given form.
Also, an optional :LANG
argument may be specified.
This could be useful when you want to show the results
of some code's evaluation.
Here is an example of the usage:
(defsection @example ()
(describe-output (stdout-of (format t "Hello World!"))))
Resulting block, rendered to Markdown format will look like:
Hello World!
A definer macro to hang the documentation of a restart on a symbol.
(define-restart my-ignore-error ()
"Available when MY-ERROR is signalled, MY-IGNORE-ERROR unsafely continues.")
Note that while there is a CL:RESTART
class, there is no
corresponding source location or docstring like for condition
Define a global variable with NAME
and set it to a glossary term
object. A glossary term is just a symbol to hang a docstring on. It
is a bit like a 40ants-doc:section
in that, when linked to, its TITLE
will be
the link text instead of the name of the symbol. Unlike sections
though, glossary terms are not rendered with headings, but in the
more lightweight bullet + locative + name/title style.
(defaults to 40ants-doc:*discard-documentation-p*
is true, DOCSTRING
will not be recorded to save memory.
Refers to a glossary term defined by 40ants-doc/glossary:define-glossary-term
There is also a helper function to compare locatives:
Compares two locatives.
Each locative may be a symbol or a locative with arugments in a list form.
Extension API
Defining a Custom Theme
Out of the box, 40ants-doc
system supports three color themes:
You can pass these names as THEME
argument to the 40ants-doc-full/builder:render-to-files
function. Or you can pass a contructed theme object instead of a symbolic class name.
And of cause, you can define your own theme!
Theme allows to control HTML
page rendering, colors and code highlighting.
Changing Colors
The simplest way to customize theme is to redefine some colors using CSS
Here is how to set orange page background:
(defclass my-theme (default-theme)
(defmethod 40ants-doc-full/themes/api:render-css ((theme my-theme))
:background orange))))
Also you might want to redefine a color theme for code highlighter:
(defmethod 40ants-doc-full/themes/api:highlight-theme ((theme my-theme))
Talking about code highlighting, you can also redefine a list of languages to highlight:
(defmethod 40ants-doc-full/themes/api:highlight-languages ((theme my-theme))
(list "lisp"
Changing Page Layout
The main entry-point for page rendering is
generic-function. It calls all other
rendering functions.
If you are inheriting your theme class from 40ants-doc-full/themes/default:default-theme
then rendering functions will be called in the following order:
On this page stripes on the right demonstrate order in which different rendering functions will be called:
green is
;blue is
;violet is
red is
yellow is
;orange is
;salad green is
;pink is
Some of these methods might call render-toc
to display a table of content
and a table form. Also, you might want to redefine render-html-head
to change html page metadata such as included stylesheets and js files, page title, etc.
If you want to introduce changes, it is better to inherit from existing theme class
and to define a few methods to change only needed properties. For example, here is
a theme I've made for all 40A
nts projects. I've added header, footer and made colors match
the main site.
Available Themes
Theme Definition Protocol
Returns a list of languages to highlight in snippets. Each language should be supported by Highlight.js.
Deprecated! will be removed after 2024-11-13. Pass languages and highlight theme as arguments to highlighjs plugin.
Returns a string with the name of the Highlight.js color theme for highlighted snippets.
To preview themes, use this site: https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
Deprecated! Will be removed after 2024-11-13. Pass languages and highlight theme as arguments to highlighjs plugin.
Returns a string with CSS
Renders whole page using theme and callable CONTENT-FUNC
Renders content of the HTML
Renders whole page header. Does nothing by default.
Renders whole page footer. Does nothing by default.
Renders page's content. It can wrap content into HTML
tags and should funcall CONTENT-FUNC
without arguments.
Renders page's sidebar
Renders sidebar's header. Usually it contains a search input.
Renders sidebar's header. By default it contains a link to the 40ants-doc
Renders sidebar's content. By default it calls render-toc
Renders documentation TOC
Renders a search form.
Plugins API
themes support plugins. Plugins are small objects holding some configuration parameters and able to
inject additional content into documentation pages or able to copy some static files to the results directory.
By default, only highlightjs
plugin is enabled, but you can pass a custom list of plugins when creating
a theme object. For example, here is how to can enable both Hightlight.js and MathJax plugins:
(defsection @index (:title "Example")
"MathJax example:
1. $a ne 0$
2. $x = {-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac} over 2a}.$")
:base-dir "/tmp/output/"
:theme (make-instance '40ants-doc-full/themes/light:light-theme
:plugins (list
Returns a list of plugin objects which will be used to inject additional information into the pages.
Define a method for this function if your plugin need to some static assets to work.
argument is an absolute directory pathname pointing to the root of the site.
By default does nothing.
Plugins can define a method for this generic-function to add some code to the end of a page header.
Each method should return a string which will be inserted without "escaping" so the plugin's responsibility to escape all user input's if necessary.
Does nothing by default.
Plugins can define a method for this generic-function to add some HTML
before the main content of the page.
Each method should return a string which will be inserted without "escaping" so the plugin's responsibility to escape all user input's if necessary.
Does nothing by default.
Plugins can define a method for this generic-function to add some HTML
after the main content of the page.
Each method should return a string which will be inserted without "escaping" so the plugin's responsibility to escape all user input's if necessary.
Does nothing by default.
Built-in Plugins
Creates a Highlightjs plugin.
You can redefine languages list and color theme like this:
(make-instance '40ants-doc-full/themes/light:light-theme
:plugins (list
(highlightjs :theme "magula"
:languages '("lisp" "python"))))
Creates a MathJax plugin.
Locatives and References
While Common Lisp has rather good introspective abilities, not
everything is first class. For example, there is no object
representing the variable defined with (DEFVAR
constructs a 40ants-doc/reference:reference
captures the path to take from an object (the symbol FOO
) to an
entity of interest (for example, the documentation of the variable).
The path is called the locative. A locative can be applied to an
object like this:
(locate 'foo 'variable)
which will return the same reference as (40ANTS-DOC/REFERENCE:MAKE-REFERENCE 'FOO
. Operations need to know how to deal with references
which we will see in 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate-and-find-source
will simply return #'FOO
, no
need to muck with references when there is a perfectly good object.
and return the object it leads to or a
if there is no first class object corresponding to the
location. If ERRORP
, then a locate-error
) condition is signaled when
the lookup fails.
Signaled by locate
when the lookup fails and ERRORP
is true.
A convenience function to 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate
's object with its
A reference
represents a path (reference-locative
to take from an object (reference-object
The first element of LOCATIVE
if it's a list. If it's a symbol then
it's that symbol itself. Typically, methods of generic functions
working with locatives take locative type and locative args as
separate arguments to allow methods have eql specializers on the
type symbol.
if it's a list. If it's a symbol then
it's ().
Adding New Object Types
If you wish to make it possible to render documentation for a new
object type, then you have to define a method for the
generic function.
And to make M-.
navigation work with new object types, a methods of
generic-function and
generic-function are to be defined.
Also, additional method for 40ants-doc/reference-api:canonical-reference
need to be defined to make an opposite to 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate-object
's action.
Finally, 40ants-doc:exportable-locative-type-p
may be overridden if exporting does not makes sense.
Here is a stripped down example of how all this is done
for asdf:system
(define-locative-type asdf:system ()
"Refers to an asdf system. The generated documentation will include
meta information extracted from the system definition. This also
serves as an example of a symbol that's not accessible in the
current package and consequently is not exported.
A title of the documentation section can be modified if you'll
Use EQL specifier for the method.")
(defun find-system (name)
but REGISTERED-SYSTEM sometimes unable to find a system (for example
when this is a primary ASDF system, but it's defpackage defines
package with the name of primary system and a nickname equal to the
subsystem name. See log4cl-extras/core as example).
This we first try to use fast method and fallback to the slow one."
(or (asdf:registered-system name)
(asdf:find-system name)))
(defmethod locate-object (symbol (locative-type (eql 'asdf:system))
(assert (endp locative-args))
;; FIXME: This is slow as hell.
;; TODO: check if replacement of find-system with registered-system helped
(or (find-system symbol)
(defmethod canonical-reference ((system asdf:system))
(40ants-doc/reference:make-reference (asdf:primary-system-name system)
(defmethod find-source ((system asdf:system))
(:file ,(namestring (asdf/system:system-source-file system)))
(:position 1)
(:snippet "")))
(defmethod to-commondoc ((system asdf:system))
(let ((title (asdf-system-documentation-title system)))
(flet ((item (name getter &key type)
(let* ((value (funcall getter system))
(href nil))
(when value
(case type
(:link (setf href value))
(:mailto (setf href (format nil "mailto:~A"
(:source-control (psetf value (format nil "~A"
(first value))
href (second value))))
((eql type :asdf-systems)
(format nil "~A: "
(loop with first = t
for system-name in value
if first
do (setf first nil)
collect (make-text ", ")
collect (make-web-link (format nil "https://quickdocs.org/~A"
(make-text system-name))))))
(list (make-text
(format nil "~A: "
(make-web-link href
(make-text value)))))
(format nil "~A: ~A"
(let* ((items (list (item "Version" 'asdf/component:component-version)
(item "Description" 'asdf/system:system-description)
(item "Licence" 'asdf/system:system-licence)
(item "Author" 'asdf/system:system-author)
(item "Maintainer" 'asdf/system:system-maintainer)
(item "Mailto" 'asdf/system:system-mailto
:type :mailto)
(item "Homepage" 'asdf/system:system-homepage
:type :link)
(item "Bug tracker" 'asdf/system:system-bug-tracker
:type :link)
(item "Source control" 'asdf/system:system-source-control
:type :source-control)
(item "Depends on" 'asdf-system-dependencies
:type :asdf-systems)))
(children (make-unordered-list
(remove nil items)))
(reference (40ants-doc/reference-api:canonical-reference system)))
(make-section-with-reference title
Declare locative-type
as a locative. One gets two
things in return: first, a place to document the format and
semantics of locative-type
); second,
being able to reference (LOCATIVE-TYPE LOCATIVE)
. For example, if
you have:
(define-locative-type variable (&optional initform)
"Dummy docstring.")
refers to this form.
Return true if symbols in references with
are to be exported when they occur in a
having :EXPORT t
argument. The default method returns T, while the methods for
, asdf:system
and method
return NIL
calls this function to decide what symbols to export when
argument is true.
Return the object, to which OBJECT
and the locative
refer. For example, if LOCATIVE-TYPE
is the symbol package
, this
. Signal a locate-error
) condition by
calling the locate-error
function if the lookup fails. Signal other
errors if the types of the argument are bad, for instance
is not the empty list in the package example. If a
is returned then it must be canonical in the sense that
calling 40ants-doc/reference-api:canonical-reference
on it will return the same reference.
For extension only, don't call this directly.
Should return a package object where locative object was defined.
This package will be bound to *PACKAGE*
when processing the documentation piece
using 40ants-doc-full/commondoc/builder:to-commondoc
Call this function to signal a locate-error
) condition from a
generic-function. FORMAT-AND-ARGS
contains a format string and
args suitable for FORMAT
from which the locate-error-message
constructed. If FORMAT-AND-ARGS
is NIL
, then the message will be NIL
The object and the locative are not specified, they are added by
when it resignals the condition.
Return a 40ants-doc/reference:reference
that resolves to OBJECT
, but this
one is a generic function to be extensible. In fact, the default
implementation simply defers to SWANK:FIND-DEFINITION-FOR-THING
This function is called by 40ants-doc-full/swank:locate-definition-for-emacs
which lies
behind the M-.
extension (see Emacs Integration
If successful, the return value looks like this:
(:location (:file "/home/mega/own/mgl/pax/test/test.lisp")
(:position 24) nil)
is the source snippet which is optional. Note that position
1 is the first character. If unsuccessful, the return values is
(:error "Unknown source location for SOMETHING")
Define methods for this generic function to render object's documentation into an intermediate CommonDoc format.
Function should return a COMMON-DOC:DOCUMENT-NODE
To show a standard documentation item with locative,
name and arguments, use 40ants-doc-full/commondoc/bullet:make-bullet
Creates a CommonDoc node to represent a documentation item.
Documentation item can have an ARGLIST
is not given,
then it will be made from reference's object printed representation.
You can provide a CHILDREN
arguments. It should be a list of CommonDoc nodes
or a single node.
can be a list with the same meaning as 40ants-doc:defsection
If you want to completely ignore some symbol inside the reference's documentation,
Recursively replaces or modifies a CommonDoc NODE
with results of the FUNC
We have to use this function because some common-doc node types
do not share a common type.
This macro tracks current documentation piece's package and sets package accordingly.
Reference Based Extensions
Let's see how to extend 40ants-doc-full/builder:render-to-files
and M-.
navigation if there is
no first class object to represent the thing of interest. Recall
that 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate
returns a 40ants-doc/reference:reference
object in this case:
Some methods of 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
generic-function defer to
which have LOCATIVE-TYPE
in their argument
list for EQL
specializing pleasure.
Here is a stripped down example of how the variable
locative is defined.
Pay attention how it defines a method of
generic-function instead of
. This is because we have no
a lisp object to represent a variable and have to specialize method on
(define-locative-type variable (&optional initform)
"Refers to a global special variable. INITFORM, or if not specified,
the global value of the variable is included in the documentation.")
(defmethod locate-object (symbol (locative-type (eql 'variable)) locative-args)
(assert (<= (length locative-args) 1))
(40ants-doc/reference:make-reference symbol (cons locative-type locative-args)))
(defmethod 40ants-doc-full/commondoc/builder:reference-to-commondoc ((symbol symbol) (locative-type (eql 'variable)) locative-args)
(destructuring-bind (&optional (initform nil initformp)) locative-args
(let* ((reference (canonical-reference
(40ants-doc/reference:make-reference symbol
(cons locative-type
(docstring (40ants-doc/docstring:get-docstring symbol 'variable))
(arglist (multiple-value-bind (value unboundp) (40ants-doc-full/utils::symbol-global-value symbol)
(cond (initformp
(prin1-to-string initform))
(unboundp "-unbound-")
(prin1-to-string value)))))
(children (when docstring
(parse-markdown docstring))))
(40ants-doc-full/commondoc/bullet:make-bullet reference
:arglist arglist
:children children
:dislocated-symbols symbol))))
(defmethod locate-and-find-source (symbol (locative-type (eql 'variable))
(declare (ignore locative-args))
(40ants-doc-full/locatives/utils::find-one-location (swank-backend:find-definitions symbol)
'("variable" "defvar" "defparameter"
can be resolved to a non-reference, call 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
with it, else call 40ants-doc/locatives/base:locate-and-find-source
on the object,
locative-type, locative-args slots of REFERENCE
Called by 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
on 40ants-doc/reference:reference
objects, this
function has essentially the same purpose as 40ants-doc/source-api:find-source
generic-function but it has
different arguments to allow specializing on LOCATIVE-TYPE
Define a method for this generic function, when there is no a lisp object to represent an object of given locative type.
argument will be a symbol. OBJ
argument also usually a symbol.
argument is a list which will be non-nil in case if
object is referenced in a 40ants-doc:defsection
like this:
(40ants-doc/source-api:find-source (method () (40ants-doc/reference:reference)))
In this case LOCATIVE-ARGS
argument will be '(NIL (40ANTS-DOC/REFERENCE:REFERENCE))
We have covered the basic building blocks of reference based
extensions. Now let's see how the obscure
macros work together to
simplify the common task of associating definition and documentation
with symbols in a certain context.
Similar to 40ants-doc/locatives/base:define-locative-type
but it assumes that all things
locatable with LOCATIVE-TYPE
are going to be just symbols defined
with a definer defined with 40ants-doc/locatives/define-definer:define-definer-for-symbol-locative-type
It is useful to attach documentation and source location to symbols
in a particular context. An example will make everything clear:
(define-symbol-locative-type direction ()
"A direction is a symbol. (After this `M-.` on `DIRECTION LOCATIVE`
works and it can also be included in DEFSECTION forms.)")
(define-definer-for-symbol-locative-type define-direction direction
"With DEFINE-DIRECTION one can document what a symbol means when
interpreted as a direction.")
(define-direction up ()
"UP is equivalent to a coordinate delta of (0, -1).")
After all this, (UP DIRECTION)
refers to the DEFINE-DIRECTION
form above.
Define a macro with NAME
which can be used to attach documentation,
a lambda-list and source location to a symbol in the context of
. The defined macro's arglist is (SYMBOL
is assumed to have been defined
with 40ants-doc-full/locatives/definers:define-symbol-locative-type
Including Images
Besides refering images in the Markdown syntax like was shown in the Images
you can construct CommonDoc documents including images as objects.
Creates a note for rendering an image in the documentation. Could be useful if you are constructing document from CommonDoc nodes.
argument should point to a file on local filesystem.
For example, here is how this function is used in the
new PlantUML
(defmethod to-commondoc ((diagram diagram))
(uiop:with-temporary-file (:pathname pathname
:type "png"
:keep t)
(ensure-directories-exist pathname)
(40ants-plantuml:render (diagram-code diagram)
(let ((image
(namestring pathname)
:target-filename (diagram-filename diagram))))
(common-doc:make-paragraph image))))
This code creates a temporary file, renders a png image into it and then makes a paragraph with image, pointing to this temp file.
objects rarely need to be dissected since
and 40ants-doc-full/builder:render-to-files
cover most needs. However, it is plausible
that one wants to subclass them and maybe redefine how they are
stores its :NAME
in section
The name of the global variable whose value is
this section
will be bound to this package when
generating documentation for this section.
will be bound to this when generating
documentation for this section.
or NIL
. Used in generated documentation.
A 40ants-doc/reference:reference
or NIL
. Used in generated documentation.
A list of strings and 40ants-doc/reference:reference
objects in the
order they occurred in defsection
A list of strings with URL
s of other system's documentation.
A list of strings to not warn about.
A list of strings denoting package names to not warn about.
What are transcripts for? When writing a tutorial, one often wants
to include a REPL
session with maybe a few defuns and a couple of
forms whose output or return values are shown. Also, in a function's
docstring an example call with concrete arguments and return values
speaks volumes. A transcript is a text that looks like a repl
session, but which has a light markup for printed output and return
values, while no markup (i.e. prompt) for lisp forms. The PAX
transcripts may include output and return values of all forms, or
only selected ones. In either case the transcript itself can be
easily generated from the source code.
The main worry associated with including examples in the
documentation is that they tend to get out-of-sync with the code.
This is solved by being able to parse back and update transcripts.
In fact, this is exactly what happens during documentation
generation with PAX
. Code sections tagged cl-transcript
retranscribed and checked for inconsistency (that is, any difference
in output or return values). If the consistency check fails, an
error is signalled that includes a reference to the object being
Going beyond documentation, transcript consistency checks can be used for writing simple tests in a very readable form. For example:
(+ 1 2)
=> 3
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
=> (1 2)
All in all, transcripts are a handy tool especially when combined
with the Emacs support to regenerate them and with
and its triple-quoted strings that allow one
to work with nested strings with less noise. The triple-quote syntax
can be enabled with:
(in-readtable pythonic-string-syntax)
Transcribing with Emacs
Typical transcript usage from within Emacs is simple: add a lisp
form to a docstring or comment at any indentation level. Move the
cursor right after the end of the form as if you were to evaluate it
with C-x C-e
. The cursor is marked by #\^
This is part of a docstring.
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))^
Note that the use of fenced code blocks with the language tag
is only to tell PAX
to perform consistency checks at
documentation generation time.
Now invoke the emacs command mgl-pax-transcribe-last-expression
where the cursor
is and the fenced code block from the docstring becomes:
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
=> (1 2)
Then you change the printed message to :HELLO-WORLD
and add a comment to the second
return value:
(values (princ :hello-world) (list 1 2))
=> (1
;; This value is arbitrary.
When generating the documentation you get a a warning:
Transcription error. Inconsistent output found.
"(values (princ :hello-world) (list 1 2))"
because the printed output and the
first return value changed so you regenerate the documentation by
marking the region of bounded by |
and the cursor at ^
the example:
|(values (princ :hello-world) (list 1 2))
=> (1
;; This value is arbitrary.
then invoke the emacs command 40ants-doc-retranscribe-region
to get:
(values (princ :hello-world) (list 1 2))
=> (1
;; This value is arbitrary.
Note how the indentation and the comment of (1 2)
was left alone
but the output and the first return value got updated.
Alternatively, C-u 1 40ants-doc-transcribe-last-expression
will emit commented markup:
(values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
;=> :HELLO
;=> (1 2)
This can be useful for producing results outside of the docstrings.
C-u 0 40ants-doc-retranscribe-region
will turn commented into
non-commented markup. In general, the numeric prefix argument is the
index of the syntax to be used in 40ants-doc-full/transcribe:*syntaxes*
. Without a
prefix argument 40ants-doc-retranscribe-region
will not change the
markup style.
Finally, not only do both functions work at any indentation level, but in comments too:
;;;; (values (princ :hello) (list 1 2))
;;;; .. HELLO
;;;; => :HELLO
;;;; => (1 2)
Transcription support in emacs can be enabled by adding this to your
Emacs initialization file (or loading elisp/transcribe.el
;;; Code transcription
(defun 40ants-doc-lisp-eval (form)
((and (fboundp 'sly-connected-p)
(sly-eval form))
((and (fboundp 'slime-connected-p)
(slime-eval form))
(error "Nor SLY, nor SLIME is connected to the Lisp."))))
(defun 40ants-doc-transcribe-last-expression ()
"A bit like C-u C-x C-e (slime-eval-last-expression) that
inserts the output and values of the sexp before the point, this
does the same but with 40ANTS-DOC-FULL/TRANSCRIBE:TRANSCRIBE. Use a numeric prefix
argument as in index to select one of the Common Lisp
Without a prefix argument, the first syntax is used."
(let* ((end (point))
(start (progn (backward-sexp)
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
(40ants-doc-transcribe start end (40ants-doc-transcribe-syntax-arg)
nil nil nil)))))
(defun 40ants-doc-retranscribe-region (start end)
"Updates the transcription in the current region (as in calling
argument as in index to select one of the Common Lisp
Without a prefix argument, the syntax of the input will not be
(interactive "r")
(let ((point-at-start-p (= (point) start)))
;; We need to extend selection to the
;; beginning of line because otherwise
;; block's indentation might be wrong and
;; transcription parsing will fail
(goto-char start)
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
(setf start
(let ((transcript (40ants-doc-transcribe start end
t t nil)))
(if point-at-start-p
(goto-char start)
(delete-region start end)
(insert transcript))
(goto-char start)
(delete-region start end))
(insert transcript)))))
(defun 40ants-doc-transcribe-syntax-arg ()
(if current-prefix-arg
(prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)
(defun 40ants-doc-transcribe (start end syntax update-only echo
(let ((transcription
`(cl:if (cl:find-package :40ants-doc-full/transcribe)
(uiop:symbol-call :40ants-doc-full/transcribe :transcribe-for-emacs
,(buffer-substring-no-properties start end)
',syntax ',update-only ',echo ',first-line-special-p)
(if (eq transcription t)
(error "40ANTS-DOC is not loaded.")
Transcript API
Read forms from INPUT
and write them (if ECHO
followed by any output and return values produced by calling EVAL
the form. INPUT
can be a stream or a string, while OUTPUT
can be a
stream or NIL
in which case transcription goes into a string. The
return value is the OUTPUT
stream or the string that was
A simple example is this:
(transcribe "(princ 42) " nil)
=> "(princ 42)
.. 42
=> 42
However, the above may be a bit confusing since this documentation
uses transcribe
markup syntax in this very example, so let's do it
differently. If we have a file with these contents:
(values (princ 42) (list 1 2))
it is transcribed to:
(values (princ 42) (list 1 2))
.. 42
=> 42
=> (1 2)
Output to all standard streams is captured and printed with
prefix (".."
). The return values above are printed
with the :READABLE
prefix ("=>"
). Note how these prefixes are
always printed on a new line to facilitate parsing.
is able to parse its own output. If we transcribe the
previous output above, we get it back exactly. However, if we remove
all output markers, leave only a placeholder value marker and
T with source:
(values (princ 42) (list 1 2))
we get this:
(values (princ 42) (list 1 2))
=> 42
=> (1 2)
, printed output of a form is only transcribed if
there were output markers in the source. Similarly, with
, return values are only transcribed if there were value
markers in the source.
No Output/Values
If the form produces no output or returns no values, then whether or
not output and values are transcribed is controlled by
, respectively. By default,
neither is on so:
is transcribed to
true, we probably wouldn't like to lose those
markers since they were put there for a reason. Hence, with
default to true.
the above example is transcribed to:
=> ; No value
where the last line is the :NO-VALUE
Consistency Checks
is true, then transcribe
signals a continuable
whenever a form's output as a
string is different from what was in INPUT
, provided that INPUT
contained the output. Similary, for values, a continuable
is signalled if a value read
from the source does not print as the as the value returned by EVAL
This allows readable values to be hand-indented without failing
consistency checks:
(list 1 2)
=> (1
Unreadable Values
The above scheme involves READ
, so consistency of unreadable values
cannot be treated the same. In fact, unreadable values must even be
printed differently for transcribe to be able to read them back:
(defclass some-class () ())
(defmethod print-object ((obj some-class) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
(format stream \"~%~%end\")))
(make-instance 'some-class)
--> end>
where "==>"
prefix and "-->"
prefix. As with outputs, a consistency
check between an unreadable value from the source and the value from
is performed with STRING
=. That is, the value from EVAL
printed to a string and compared to the source value. Hence, any
change to unreadable values will break consistency checks. This is
most troublesome with instances of classes with the default
method printing the memory address. There is currently
no remedy for that, except for customizing PRINT-OBJECT
or not
transcribing that kind of stuff.
Finally, a transcript may employ different syntaxes for the output
and values of different forms. When INPUT
is read, the syntax for
each form is determined by trying to match all prefixes from all
syntaxes in INPUT-SYNTAXES
against a line. If there are no output or
values for a form in INPUT
, then the syntax remains undetermined.
is written, the prefixes to be used are looked up in
is not NIL
. If
is NIL
, then the syntax used by the same form in the
is used or (if that could not be determined) the syntax of the
previous form. If there was no previous form, then the first syntax
is used.
To produce a transcript that's executable Lisp code,
(make-instance 'some-class)
;--> end>
(list 1 2)
;=> (1
;-> 2)
To translate the above to uncommented syntax,
is NIL
default), the same syntax will be used in the output as in the input
as much as possible.
The default syntaxes used by transcribe
for reading and writing
lines containing output and values of an evaluated form.
A syntax is a list of of the form (SYNTAX-ID &REST PREFIXES)
elements. For
example the syntax :COMMENTED-1
looks like this:
(:output ";..")
(:no-value ";=> No value")
(:readable ";=>")
(:readable-continuation ";->")
(:unreadable ";==>")
(:unreadable-continuation ";-->"))
All of the above prefixes must be defined for every syntax except
. If that's missing (as in the :DEFAULT
syntax), then the following value is read with READ
and printed with
(hence no need to mark up the following lines).
When writing, an extra space is added automatically if the line to be prefixed is not empty. Similarly, the first space following the prefix discarded when reading.
See transcribe
for how the actual syntax to be used is selected.
Represents syntactic errors in the INPUT
of transcribe
and also serves as the superclass of
A common superclass for
Signaled (with CERROR
) by transcribe
when invoked
and the output of a form is not the same as
what was parsed.
Signaled (with CERROR
) by transcribe
when invoked
and the values of a form are inconsistent
with their parsed representation.
Refactor code and make a core package with only a few dependencies.Add warnings onUPPERCASED
symbols in docstrings which aren't found in the package and can't be cross referenced.SupportSLY
and make bothSLIME
integrations optional.Add a search facility which will build an index for static file like Sphinx does.Separate markup parsing and result rendering code to support markups other than Markdown andHTML
.Add a new section type to render ChangeLog.Support customHTML
or Atom feed out of changelog items, defined with40ants-doc/changelog:defchangelog
macro.Make some warnings compile-time for defsection and show them in the Emacs, if possible.