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Tests ๐Ÿ˜€
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This system makes it very easy to create and use a generator in Python style.

This code demostrates how a simple generator works in Python. The generator creates an iterable object and values can be extracted by calling the next function:

In [1]: def simple():
   ...:     yield 1
   ...:     print('LOG: Going to the second yield')
   ...:     yield 2

In [2]: simple()
Out[2]: <generator object simple at 0x10752a050>

In [3]: next(_2)
Out[3]: 1

In [4]: next(_2)
LOG: Going to the second yield
Out[4]: 2

In [5]: next(_2)

The similar generator can be implemented with snakes:

POFTHEDAY> (snakes:defgenerator simple ()
             (snakes:yield 1)
             (format t "LOG: Going to the second yield~%")
             (snakes:yield 2))

POFTHEDAY> (simple)

POFTHEDAY> (funcall *)
LOG: Going to the second yield

POFTHEDAY> (funcall **)

POFTHEDAY> (funcall ***)

Here is the more interesting example of the generator which produces an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers:

POFTHEDAY> (snakes:defgenerator fib ()
             (loop with a = 0
                   with b = 1
                   for new-b = (+ a b)
                   do (snakes:yield a)
                      (setf a b
                            b new-b)))

POFTHEDAY> (snakes:take 20 (fib))
(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181)

;; Or we can skip first 50 numbers and output 5 next:
POFTHEDAY> (snakes:generator->list
            (snakes:islice (fib)
                           50 55))
(12586269025 20365011074 32951280099 53316291173 86267571272)

There are also other features like:

  • anonymous generators;
  • yield-from form;
  • forms to iterate over generators;
  • functions ported from Python's itertools;
  • integration with iterate library.

Snakes has a comprehensive documentation which covers all its features.

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