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I use this library in a few of my projects. It is much like Python's pickle module, but a lot more extensible.
CL-Store is able to store and restore back almost any Lisp object. For example, lfarm
, reviewed four days ago uses it to serialize and deserialize parameters when executing remote jobs on the server.
To demonstrate how it works, I'll create a vector of objects. Then we'll save this vector to the file and restore it back:
POFTHEDAY> (defclass user ()
((name :initarg :name
:reader user-name)))
POFTHEDAY> (defmethod print-object ((user user) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (user stream :type t)
(format stream "~A"
(user-name user))))
POFTHEDAY> (defparameter *users*
(make-array 2
(list (make-instance 'user :name "Bob")
(make-instance 'user :name "Alice"))))
POFTHEDAY> *users*
#(#<USER Bob> #<USER Alice>)
;; Now we are ready to store our data to the file
POFTHEDAY> (cl-store:store *users* #P"/tmp/users.bin")
;; and to restore it back:
POFTHEDAY> (cl-store:restore #P"/tmp/users.bin")
#(#<USER Bob> #<USER Alice>)
Here is the resulting file. Don't be deceived by the readable content. This is the binary format and it might contain nonreadable characters:
[art@poftheday] cat /tmp/users.bin
CL-Store can be extended. Originally it also provided a backend to serialize data into the XML. But now this backend is considered as deprecated.
Previously I didn't write backends for CL-Store, but today I found in its docs an example, how to write a backend, compatible with Python's pickle.
Documentation is 13 years old, let's see if we'll be able to reproduce it!
First, we need to define a new backend:
POFTHEDAY> (cl-store:defbackend pickle
:stream-type 'character)
#<PICKLE {100369EBB3}>
;; This small call expands into this huge amount of code:
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass pickle (cl-store:backend) nil
"Autogenerated cl-store class for backend pickle."))
(defmacro defstore-pickle
((cl-store::var type stream &optional cl-store::qualifier)
&body cl-store::body)
(cl-store::with-gensyms (cl-store::gbackend)
`(defmethod cl-store:internal-store-object ,@(if cl-store::qualifier
((,cl-store::gbackend ,'pickle) (,cl-store::var ,type)
,(format nil "Definition for storing an object of type ~A with ~
backend ~A"
type 'pickle)
(declare (ignorable ,cl-store::gbackend))
(defmacro defrestore-pickle
((type cl-store::place &optional cl-store::qualifier)
&body cl-store::body)
(cl-store::with-gensyms (cl-store::gbackend cl-store::gtype)
`(defmethod cl-store::internal-restore-object ,@(if cl-store::qualifier
((,cl-store::gbackend ,'pickle)
(,cl-store::gtype (eql ',type)) (,cl-store::place t))
(declare (ignorable ,cl-store::gbackend ,cl-store::gtype))
(cl-store::register-backend 'pickle 'pickle nil 'character 'nil 'nil))
Now we can use defstore-pickle
and defrestore-pickle
macroses to define rules for the processing of different data types.
Here is where all real work is done:
POFTHEDAY> (defvar *pickle-mapping*
'((#\S . string))
"A mapping from Pickle's char codes
to a Lisp data type")
POFTHEDAY> (defmethod cl-store:get-next-reader ((backend pickle) (stream stream))
"This method is responsible for recognizing what
type of object should be read next."
(let ((type-code (read-char stream)))
(or (cdr (assoc type-code *pickle-mapping*))
(values nil (format nil "Type ~A" type-code)))))
POFTHEDAY> (defrestore-pickle (noop stream)
"We'll skip unknown objects")
POFTHEDAY> (defstore-pickle (obj string stream)
"Here is how string should be written in Pickle's format."
(format stream "S'~A'~%p0~%." obj))
POFTHEDAY> (defrestore-pickle (string stream)
"And this is a code to read string back"
(let ((val (read-line stream)))
(read-line stream) ;; remove the PUSH op
(read-line stream) ;; remove the END op
(subseq val 1 (1- (length val)))))
It is time to test our functions. To make this old example work, I had to use old Python2.7, because Python3's pickle serializes into a little bit different format.
[art@poftheday] python2.7
>>> with open('/tmp/word.pickle', 'w') as f:
... pickle.dump('Hello Lisp World!', f, protocol=0)
>>> ^D
[art@poftheday] cat /tmp/word.pickle
S'Hello Lisp World!'
# Here is what I've got under Python3:
In [9]: with open('/tmp/word.pickle', 'bw') as f:
...: pickle.dump('Hello Lisp World!', f, protocol=0)
In [10]: !cat /tmp/word.pickle
VHello Lisp World!
# This cl-store backend does not support V type code.
# Seems, it stands for a Unicode string.
Now we can read this file from Lisp and write it back:
POFTHEDAY> (cl-store:restore #P"/tmp/word.pickle"
"Hello Lisp World!"
POFTHEDAY> (cl-store:store "Howdy, Python!"
"Howdy, Python!"
And finally, to ensure our backend works as expected, we'll read this response in Python2:
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('/tmp/word.pickle') as f:
... pickle.load(f)
'Howdy, Python!'
That is it. If you need a time-proved serialization library, check out the CL-Store! To extend it, just read the docs.