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This library allows processing a text with Pango Markup.
Pango Markup used by GTK to render attributed text. It is a simple SGML-like language. It looks like a subset of HTML but uses custom attributes.
Gnome's Pango library contains a parser for this format:
But :pango-markup is not a parser, it's purpose is to render text and attributes into this format.
You should provide it a plain text and a separate list of regions with attributes.
For example, is we would like to make the word "Bob" in "Hello Bob!", then we need to do:
POFTHEDAY> (pango-markup:markup-regions
"Hello Bob!"
'((6 9 :font (:weight :bold))))
"Hello <span font_weight='bold'>Bob</span>!"
;; Attributed ranges can be nested. Here we want
;; to underline the whole sentence and make "Bob" bold:
POFTHEDAY> (pango-markup:markup-regions
"Hello Bob!"
'((6 9 :font (:weight :bold))
(0 10 :underline t)))
"<span underline='single'>Hello <span font_weight='bold'>Bob</span>!</span>"
If you want to use GTK from Common Lisp and output attributed text, :pango-markup will help you.
Here is full documentation to this library:
@shinmera's libraries have very nicely rendered documentation. Go, read it!