With regards to adding support in `uiop:dump-image`, note that the function already has the following parameter:
#+(and sbcl os-windows) application-type
I'd expect it to leverage that same parameter to choose between console/gui.
For anyone unaware, native Windows executable files (PE files) have a flag saying whether they are console executables, or GUI executables. When Windows launches programs, if it finds the console flag, it will have the following behaviour:
1. if the parent process is a GUI program, create a new cmdproxy process which opens a terminal window, and hook up stdin/out/err to it (unless specified otherwise)
2. if the parent process is itself a console process, do not create a cmdproxy, attach to existing stdin/out/err (unless specified otherwise)
When it launches a gui program, it will not launch nor reuse a cmdproxy window.
Hope that helps.