update on LispWorks on macOS Big Sur beta: you can run in console mode withut multi-processing
Hello everyone,
I reported a month or two ago a warning about installing macOS Big Sur beta because LispWorks would not run.
I was slightly inaccurate about that :-)
It is only multi-processing and the IDE that don't run on the Big Sur beta. Building a console version of LispWorks works fine (the 'build argument turns off multiprocessing).
So if you don't need multi-processing in your app and use Emacs + Slime for development, Big Sur is OK to install, and is a fun release for many reasons.
The following short script works for me. Create the file make-console.lisp and then run: lispworks -build make-console.lisp (note lispworks is aliased to '/Applications/LispWorks\ 7.1\ \(64-bit\)/LispWorks\ \(64-bit\).app/Contents/MacOS/lispworks-7-1-0-amd64-darwin' on my system):
;; LispWorks, to be run from command line (not multiprocessing):
;; lispworks -build make-console.lisp
(in-package "CL-USER")
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(save-image "/Users/markw/bin/lw" :console t :environment nil)
Then, in my Emacs setup: (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/markw/bin/lw")
Best regards,
Mark Watson, author and consultant
It is better to travel well than to arrive. - Buddha