send standard input with sys:open-pipe
I'm trying to run a program that reads on standard input and then writes the result on standard output. I'm not seeing how to do that in LispWorks (Mac 7.1). I have used sys:open-pipe before, but just to drive an interactive program. Below is my failed attempt - it just hangs. John DeSoi, Ph.D. (defun test (&optional (input "Test 123")) (let ((pipe (sys:open-pipe "cat" :direction :io :element-type 'character :save-exit-status t :use-pty t)) (out-stream (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'character)) (ch nil) (out "") (result -1)) (write-line input pipe) (write-char #\ETX pipe) ;Ctrl-C and also tried Ctrl-D. (force-output pipe) (setf result (sys:pipe-exit-status pipe :wait t)) (loop while (setf ch (read-char-no-hang pipe nil nil)) do (write-char ch out-stream)) (close pipe) (setf out (get-output-stream-string out-stream)) (values out result))) _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users