My "problem" was that I read "pathname" to mean "string". I simply needed to prefix my string filenames with #P.
With Kibitzing from Dave McClain, I came up with something that works (for me, YMMV, quick and dirty):
In ~/.lispworks, I inserted these commands:
;; F4 brings up the file hprolog.lisp"
(editor:defcommand "Goto File hprolog" (p)
(editor:find-file-command nil #P"/Users/tarvydas/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-holm-prolog/hprolog.lisp"))
(editor:bind-key "Goto File compiler" "F4")
;; (htest) clears the cache, quickloads my "hprolog" system and runs the test
(load "~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-holm-prolog/package.lisp")
(defun htest ()
(system:run-shell-command "rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp")
(ql:quickload :cl-holm-prolog/test)
[I need to clear the cache to *know* that I'm starting from a known state. I'm bootstrapping a compiler (DaS (diagrams as syntax)), where ESRAP compiles to more ESRAP. Most people might not need this step. Loading the package allows me to compile any function which might reference a package defined in package.lisp, not already known at .lispworks time.]
[I'm using quicklisp and "~/quicklisp/local-projects" to handle system loading].