pinboard-layout transform problem
Hello all, I've encountered the following issue with pinboard layout. I am on LW 7.1.2 Professional for Mac, the OS is Catalina 10.15.1. Evaluating (setf pane (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:pinboard-layout))) displays an interface with a pinboard layout. Then (capi:apply-in-pane-process pane (lambda () (capi:manipulate-pinboard pane (make-instance 'capi:line-pinboard-object :start-x 0 :start-y 0 :end-x 50 :end-y 50) :add-top))) adds a line segment into it and the segment is displayed immediately. Other elements I add are also immediately displayed. Now I try to change the graphics port transform to move the origin to the center and to change the direction of the y-axis: (capi:apply-in-pane-process pane (lambda () (setf (gp:graphics-port-transform pane) `(1 0 0 -1 ,(/ (capi:simple-pane-visible-width pane) 2.0) ,(/ (capi:simple-pane-visible-height pane) 2.0))))) Now, nothing happens, but after resizing the window slightly I can see that the segment has changed its position accordingly. OK, so this seems that changing the layout transform does not invalidate the layout. But now, no objects I try to add to the layout get displayed. For example, after evaluating this: (capi:apply-in-pane-process pane (lambda () (capi:manipulate-pinboard pane (make-instance 'capi:line-pinboard-object :start-x 0 :start-y 0 :end-x -50 :end-y -50) :add-top))) nothing changes in the window. I have checked that the pinboard objects are there and that after resizing the window they even get displayed. But, in contrast to the behavior before changing the transform, they are not displayed automatically. Any ideas? Thanks, Michal _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users