Encoding error when trying to quickload library with LispWorks (fails to
detect UTF-8)
This is my first post in the mailing list, so first I'd like to introduce
myself: I'm Eric, I work as a DevOps engineer and although during my career I
have been mostly using Perl, Go and OCaml, just recently I resumed my interest
with Common Lisp and finding it really enjoyable so far.
I am writing a project which uses the following library as a dependency:
It works out of the box when using SBCL and CCL, but when trying to use it with
LispWorks I get the following error(s):
**++++ Error between functions:
Cannot read character U+008C as part of a token because it has constituent
trait 'invalid'.
I am using LispWorks 7.1.2 on macOS, with the bundled ASDF (3.3.0, which should
use UTF-8 as default encoding) and an up-to-date Quicklisp client (2019-02-16).
This is puzzling to me as compiling the buffer from inside the IDE works fine (I
have the file encoding set to UTF-8). #'compile-file fails, but specifying the
encoding solves the issue:
(compile-file "entities.lisp" :external-format :utf-8)
However, the problems persists when trying to quickload the library, even when
ASDF is detecting the right encoding:
(uiop/stream:detect-encoding "entities.lisp")
;=> :UTF-8
Adding :encoding :utf-8 when specifying the components on ASDF doesn't have any
effect either.
I have found so far two ways to work around this:
1) Add -*- coding: utf-8 -*- at the beginning of the file. It feels like a hack
and the library author seems to be adamant about merging such patch.
2) Loading https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/asdf/asdf-encodings which for some
reason solves all issues and I don't understand why, because if I got it
right, its goal is to add support for encodings other than UTF-8.
So I am not happy with the former nor I understand the latter, and it would be
great if some of you that had a similar issue could shed some light on it or
offer an alternative solution.
Some additional context here: https://github.com/Shinmera/plump/pull/23
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