No implementation of :raw-64 ?
Hi, if I got an error message from LispWorks (32-bit) saying "No implementation of :raw-64.” without a useful backtrace, just like a direct call of the following FLI internal function: CL-USER 1 > (fli::no-implementation-of-raw-64) Error: No implementation of :raw-64. 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Return to top loop level 0. here what does “RAW-64" mean? (or under what circumstance could above internal function be called?) P. S. I see this error when I’m trying to use FM-PLUGIN-TOOLS (not maintained by original author any more) to build a plugin for newer versions of FileMaker (32-bit), which now have some 64-bit parameters in its shared API — things that may be relevant. Regards, Chun Tian