If you're using gnus with gmane, you can type `j 10540'
to retrieve a post by David Mcclain on Tue, 14 Sep 2010,
which announced an MMapper library for lispworks,
and `A T' to get the whole thread,
and `j 10555' to get the discussion on a parallel thread "Re: Mapper"
Thanks: I should be but am not, but I found this anyway.
[I don't think I used it myself: I couldn't find andy code which used
it. I do have some code from that time that used the fli to define
mmap and dealt directly with the array. which really didn't help when
dealing with lisp objects in lisp memory (if the mmaped file involves
lisp objects..)
No, they're files of bytes (or sometimes encoded floats, but the encoding is idiosyncratic as there is packing so I need to deal with that anyway), so I'm mostly OK there, as far as I have thought about it.
Allegro simple-streams had a mapped-file-simple-stream class, which
added an :mmaped t keyword argument to OPEN, and the voila file stream
would be backed by a mmapped file, but you could use lisp operations
on it. This is nice, if you're happy to seek with POSITION but the
concerns about efficiency you mentioned remained I never got around
to measuring them]
Yes, I vaguely remember that. I particularly want not to have to use stream semantics though (not that there's anything wrong with them).