;; brooks-iyengar.lisp - A Lisp implementation of the Brooks-Iyengar distributed sensor fusion algorithm
;; DM/RAL 12/17
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun partition (ints)
;; From a list of intervals, form a list of disjoint sub-intervals
;; along with a weight that measures how many of the original
;; intervals fell within the sub-interval
;; Intervals: (start end)
;; Sub-intervals: (count (start end))
(let* ((starts (sort (mapcar #'car ints) #'<))
(ends (sort (mapcar #'cadr ints) #'<)))
(um:nlet-tail iter ((pt (car starts))
(starts (cdr starts))
(ends ends)
(ct 1)
(parts nil))
(if (endp ends)
(if (endp starts)
(let ((new-pt (car ends)))
(iter new-pt nil (cdr ends) (1- ct)
(cons (list ct (list pt new-pt)) parts)))
;; else
(let ((new-pts (car starts))
(new-pte (car ends)))
(cond ((< new-pts new-pte)
(iter new-pts (cdr starts) ends (1+ ct)
(cons (list ct (list pt new-pts)) parts)))
((< new-pte new-pts)
(iter new-pte starts (cdr ends) (1- ct)
(cons (list ct (list pt new-pte)) parts)))
(iter new-pts (cdr starts) (cdr ends) ct parts))
(defun b-i-estimate (ints &key (mistrust 1))
;; The Brooks-Iyengar algorithm
;; mistrust is the number of potentially unreliable intervals that
;; may exist in the list
(let* ((nints (length ints))
(parts (remove-if (um:rcurry #'< (- nints mistrust))
(partition ints)
:key #'car))
(num 0)
(den 0)
a b)
;; select out those sub-intervals whose weight exceeds the total
;; number minus the mistrusted, then form the weighted average of
;; the sub-interval midpoints
(loop for (ct (start end)) in parts do
(incf num (* ct 0.5 (+ start end)))
(incf den ct)
(setf a (if a
(min a start)
b (if b
(max b end)
;; return the weighted average and the total measurement interval
;; used in the calculation
(values (/ num den)
(list a b))
;; correct answer: 2.63 (1.5 3.2) (point value and interval)
(let ((i1 '(2.7 6.7))
(i2 '(0 3.2))
(i3 '(1.5 4.5))
(i4 '(0.8 2.8))
(i5 '(1.4 4.6)))
(b-i-estimate (list i1 i2 i3 i4 i5)
:mistrust 1))