Using LW7.1's X11-based legacy IDE on Mac OS X
LispWorks’ X11-based legacy IDE on Mac OS X is useful when you remote login to a Mac (with LW installed) by SSH (with X11 forwarding enabled) and want to start the LW IDE. There’re two versions of LW IDE, one uses GTK+2.0, the other uses OpenMotif (2.3). For previous LW versions it’s hard to start the Motif-based IDE because Imlib1 library is not available unless you built it or get an installer from LW official, but now LW uses Imlib2, things become quite easy.
Here is my little experiences (tested with 64-bit LW 7.1 on Mac OS X 10.11):
1. To use the Motif-based LW IDE on Mac. It's recommend to install Homebrew [1], then install two packages: imlib2 and openmotif:
$ brew install openmotif imlib2
then the Motif-based IDE should start without any other settings.
2. To use the GTK-based IDE, you can’t use Homebrew, because the GTK package there is not X11-based. Instead, I recommend to use GTK packages from Fink [2]. (For old Mac OS X versions, Homebrew may not work at all, but Fink always work). The needed packages are: gtk+2, optional packages (for changing the GTK theme) are: gtk2-engines, gtk-change-theme.
$ fink install gtk+2 gtk2-engines gtk-change-theme
then you need to make two (and only two) soft links into /usr/local/lib:
$ cd /usr/local/lib
$ ln -s /sw/lib/libgthread-2.0.0.dylib .
$ ln -s /sw/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.0.dylib .
then the GTK2-based LW IDE should start correctly.
3. To get the Motif-based LW execution:
By default the command line image (lispworks-7-1-0-amd64-darwin-gtk) is GTK2-based, the following script (save-lw-motif.lisp) can be used to build the Motif-based image:
(require "capi-motif")
(let* ((name (format nil "LispWorks ~A~@[~A~]"
(when (sys:featurep :lispworks-64bit) " 64-bit")))
(exe-name (string-downcase
(substitute #\- #\. (substitute #\- #\Space name)))))
(save-image (merge-pathnames
(make-pathname :name (format nil "~A-motif-console" exe-name))
:console t
:remarks name
:environment nil
:multiprocessing nil)
(save-image (merge-pathnames
(make-pathname :name (format nil "~A-motif" exe-name))
:remarks name
:environment t))
$ cd "/Applications/LispWorks 7.1 (64-bit)"
$ ./lispworks-7-1-0-amd64-darwin-gtk -build save-lw-motif.lisp
the resulting file "lispworks-7-1-0-64-bit-motif” (and another console version) is the Motif-based execution.
NOTE: you may also need to make above LW top-level directory writable first:
$ cd "/Applications/LispWorks 7.1 (64-bit)"
$ sudo chmod go+w .
For 32-bit LispWorks 7.1, above GTK and motif packages must be also 32-bit, but I’m not sure if Homebrew and Fink can still provide 32-bit versions of these libraries on recent versions of Mac OS X (essentially 64-bit). I’ll be glad if anyone succeeds to install these 32-bit libraries and provide steps here for others.
Hope this helps,
Chun Tian