Re: Potential IDE project
On 8/16/17 Aug 16 -9:46 AM, Miller, Bradford W (GE Global Research, US)
> When CLIM first came out I was a big fan, but unfortunately rapidly
> realized that if one weren’t trying to build applications that looked
> and acted like the typical LispM application it became extremely hard
> to use (e.g. if one wanted to track mouse velocity)… not the sort of
> thing one wanted for UI research…
> I think we need some better mechanism for associating gesture &
> context to speech act for input and speech act to semiotic or,
> better, experience on output. (Here I use speech act for any
> illocutionary act, not just speech). GUI is itself a cul-de-sac that
> limits expression.
The work done on the CMU Garnet project is some of the most exciting in
this way. There's some oddities in it, like it uses its own object
system (I think it was started before CLOS was fully matured), but
overall it's a really great rethink of the whole GUI idea.
Of course, it's so old that it doesn't have the broader UI idea of
speech, drawing, writing, etc., but still....
The use of prototype-based objects is hard to wrap your head around, but
the formula-based UI construction is brilliant.
> — Bradford W. Miller Sr. Cognition and Decision Scientist
> GE Global Research
> 518 387-4271
> “If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at
> once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until
> he found the object of his search. … a little theory and calculation
> would have saved him ninety percent of his labor.” — Nikola Tesla
> On 8/15/17, 5:31 PM, " on behalf of
> Robert Goldman" < on behalf of
>> wrote:
> On 8/15/17 Aug 15 -2:42 PM, David McClain wrote:
>> What comes to mind at the moment is that for the past 30 years,
>> since the X-Windows project at MIT, we have been defining an
>> Assembly Language of GUI elements. And piecing them together has
>> been as arduous as writing a database engine in Machine Assembly
>> Language. What we all need is a higher order language to describe
>> GUI’s. CAPI does a good first stab, but remains still too low
>> level.
> Mozilla's XUL tried to provide a higher-level language for GUI
> elements (in, ugh, XML and RDF :-(), but never got much traction,
> It has always seemed to me that the web breakdown into HTML & CSS
> has been a disaster, because web applications have evolved and the
> HTML + CSS world view theoretically provides "content" and
> "presentation", but nowhere "behavior," and the nice way of
> declaratively attaching presentation to content is not paralleled by
> any way to declaratively attach behavior to content.
> Cheers, r
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