(capi:define-interface messaging-intf ()
(msg-text-pane msg-editor-pane
:text ""
:buffer-name "PlainCryptoText"
:title "Plain/Encoded Text"
:title-position :top
:title-args '(:visible-min-width (:character 20)
:visible-max-width t)
:visible-min-width '(:character 85)
:visible-max-width nil
:visible-min-height '(:character 20)
:visible-max-height nil
:drop-callback 'enc/dec-drop-callback
:accessor msg-text-pane)
(msg-encode-button capi:push-button
:text "Encode"
#+:MSWINDOWS :drop-callback #+:MSWINDOWS 'enc-drop-callback
:callback 'encode-message)
(msg-decode-button capi:push-button
:text "Decode"
#+:MSWINDOWS :drop-callback #+:MSWINDOWS 'dec-drop-callback
:callback 'decode-message)
(cancel-button capi:push-button
:text "Cancel"
:callback (lambda (x intf)
(declare (ignore x))
(capi:destroy intf)))
(:menu-bar file-menu edit-menu)
(("Encode..." :data :encode-file)
("Decode..." :data :decode-file))
:callback 'do-enc/dec-file)
(("Cut" :data :cut )
("Copy" :data :copy )
("Paste" :data :paste)
("Select All" :data :select-all
:accelerator "accelerator-a"))
:callback 'do-menu-item
#|:callback-type :item|#))
:layout 'column-layout1
:title "RAL AONT Messaging"
:best-width 400
:window-styles '( #+:COCOA :textured-background
;; :drop-callback 'top-level-drop-callback
I am trying to figure out how to properly close a CAPI application on macOS.
I have the following for a :destroy-callback:
(defun main-destroy-callback (pane &rest args)
(capi:quit-interface pane))
But using this (or simply (lispworks:quit)) gives the following type of error:
Reactor:~ burton$ /var/tmp/lwtemp_Reactor_65151ZYH9TF.command ; exit;
Error: Segmentation violation(11) [code 0] at 7FFFE29EA01D
Foreign code offset #x1D from symbol "objc_msgSend"
module "/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib" [ #x7FFFE29E3000 ]
rax 600000037560 ; rbx 7FFFE8A8BE60 ; rcx 1174 ; rdx 1173
rsp 7FFF5FBFE0A8 ; rbp 7FFF5FBFE0B0 ; rdi 100324ED0 ; rsi 7FFFCBEFBBD6
r8 618000040CF0 ; r9 21EB0D26C23AE422 ; r10 0 ; r11 7FFFCBEFBBD6
r12 6300000230A0 ; r13 0 ; r14 600000033200 ; r15 600000044470
1 (abort) Return to Cocoa Event Loop
Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed.
Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options.
CL-USER 1 : 1 >
How does one properly close a CAPI application?
Burton Samograd
BusFactor1 Inc.