LispWorks multiplication-table.list example: No errors, Where is the file it is writing?
I am trying to insert my code into the LispWorks example. My code is supposed to write to a log file, "log.txt". I tried my code in the listener. I get the file "log.txt" where I expect it. However, when I run the example, I don't find any file. I don't get any errors. My code is: ========== start of code ========== ;;; This is the "computation" that this server is doing. (defun format-multiplication-table-line (stream line integer) (print-at-server-too stream ;; The following is the original line of the example file: ;; (format stream "~D x ~D = ~D" line integer (* line integer)) ) ) ;; I modified to return a string which is passed to function print-at-server-too (format nil "~D x ~D = ~D~%" line integer (* line integer)) ) ) (defun print-at-server-too (stream str-to-print) ;; The following line does what used to be done ;; in the calling function (format stream str-to-print) ;; This calls my function to write the same thing to ;; a file on the server (print-at-server-too-1 str-to-print) ;; This returns the same string passed into this function str-to-print) (defun print-at-server-too-1 (a-str) ;;; This is supposed to open a file, append the string ;;; then close the file. Don't get any errors. But cannot ;;; find the file written. Where is it? Not in (get-working-directory). ;;; Is it written anywhere? (with-open-file (out-log "log.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create) (write-line a-str out-log)) ) ========== end of code ========== I don't know whether this will work because I am new, but I will attach the 2 example files, "multiplication-table.lisp" (which I modified) and "driver.lisp". Maybe there is something about multiple threads, which I think this example uses. But I don't think there should be. I would think all threads should be able to write to a file, just not at the same time to the same file. I also appreciate any tips in how to use this forum. Since Gmane is not working, I never was able to see anything that was posted before. And I don't know whether this is how it is supposed to be or not. My question is: Is "log.txt" getting written anywhere? Ron Lewis