RE: LispWorks 7.0 OS X IDE glitch
I think I might know the answer.
This is my first attempt to post. So, I don't know how this will come out. And I want to ask a question after I answer yours.
My answer: I think maybe you are selecting with a mouse because holding down the shift-key and pressing the arrow keys probably does not select text for you. Selecting text with a mouse is fine. With the keyboard, you probably can select text by pressing ctrl-space, releasing, then use the arrow keys. Pressing delete will not delete text. To make the text disappear, you would use ctrl-w. If you press ctrl-space, then change your mind--you don't want to be selecting text, press ctrl-g.
What I think is that you are running the LispWorks IDE in its default mode. By default, LispWorks editor is its rendition of the EMACS editor. And this is the appropriate default because EMACS editor is "Lispy", and not "Microsoft Windows-ee". That is to say EMACS is more in keeping with Lisp culture.
You can change the editor to be more like notepad: In the menus and tabs go to
Tools >> Preferences >> Environment >> Emulation >> Keys
Select either "Editor keys are like Emacs, Alt is Meta key
Or select Editor keys are like Microsoft Windows, meu bar via Alt key.
I think EMACS key bindings are the more efficient way to manipulate text. There are a few instances in which the Windows way is more efficient: For example, Windows delete selected text with one key, EMACS delete selected text with two keys (ctrl-w). But mostly, EMACS is more efficient and has very useful features such as being able to repeat a sequence of commands with keyboard macros.
Here is a link to an EMACS reference card .
Most but still far from all the key commands will work in LispWorks. The reason not all the commands will work is that the card is not for LispWorks's rendition of EMACS.
I can certainly understand if you cannot afford the learning curve right now to learn EMACS style editing. So, more expedient to change preferences to the Windows style.
In Windows mode, when I pressed Alt to get to the menus, LispWorks IDE froze. And I found it repeatable. So, I should probably report it as a bug to LispWorks.
Now...I have a question I hope you will answer:
Being new to LispWorks, I don't know how to get to Lisp-HUG to browse various topics and posts. I presume there is some way to search and view pasts posts and to initiate my own posts. I did get myself subscribed which is how I received your question in my email. But how were you able to post your question?
Ron Lewis
When I select some text, I can’t seem to remove it by pressing delete. It just unselects the text. Anyone know why this glitch exists, and maybe a fix?
John H. Doe
(my real name)
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