Re: Goodies...
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing this!
Does this program require a specific dependency?
> On 7 Feb 2017, at 16:17, David McClain <> wrote:
> … not to beat a dead horse, but here is an improved version…
> ;; -------------------------------------------
> ;; PAR Construct
> (defmethod group ((lst list) n)
> (unless (plusp n)
> (error "zero or negative length"))
> (labels ((rec (source acc)
> (let ((rest (nthcdr n source)))
> (if (consp rest)
> (rec rest (cons (subseq source 0 n) acc))
> (nreverse (cons source acc))))))
> (when lst
> (rec lst nil))))
> (defun %par1 (&rest fns)
> ;; Accept a list of functions, execute them all in parallel and
> ;; return the value of the first one.
> ;;
> ;; Since they are all slated for parallel execution, evaluation
> ;; order must be irrelevant.
> ;;
> ;; We group them to try to balance the load among available threads,
> ;; including our own. Since our thread is doing all the work, try to
> ;; keep the shortest subgroup for our thread.
> ;;
> (let* ((nfns (length fns))
> (sem (mp:make-semaphore :count 0))
> ;; count our thread plus available BG threads
> (nthr (1+ (mp:set-funcall-async-limit nil)))
> (ngrp (ceiling nfns nthr))
> (grps (nreverse (group (rest fns) ngrp)))
> (count 0))
> (dolist (grp (rest grps)) ;; last (now first) group will be shorter if any are
> (dolist (fn grp)
> (incf count)
> (mp:funcall-async (lambda ()
> (unwind-protect
> (funcall fn)
> (mp:semaphore-release sem)))
> )))
> (prog1
> (progn
> (dolist (fn (first grps))
> (funcall fn))
> (funcall (first fns)))
> (mp:semaphore-acquire sem :count count)
> )))
> (defmacro par1 (&rest clauses)
> ;; like PROG1, but executes all clauses in parallel, synchronizing
> ;; at the closing paren, and returning value of first clause
> (when clauses
> (if (rest clauses)
> `(%par1 ,@(mapcar #`(lambda ()
> ,a1)
> clauses))
> ;; else
> (first clauses))))
> (defmacro par (&rest clauses)
> ;; like PROGN, but executes all clauses in parallel, synchronizing
> ;; at the closing paren, and returning value of last clause
> `(par1 ,@(nreverse clauses)))
> #|
> ;; NOTE: if you execute this from the editor, the editor will use
> ;; one BG thread for itself. And so the results will be off,
> ;; compared to executing this from the listener or some other non-BG
> ;; thread.
> ;;
> ;; Since we had up to 5 BG threads, this ought to take 3 seconds for
> ;; 18 clauses. Adding just one more clause copy will push us to 4
> ;; seconds.
> (time
> (par
> (sleep 1) ;; 1
> (sleep 1) ;; 2
> (sleep 1) ;; 3
> (sleep 1) ;; 4
> (sleep 1) ;; 5
> (sleep 1) ;; 1
> (sleep 1) ;; 2
> (sleep 1) ;; 3
> (sleep 1) ;; 4
> (sleep 1) ;; 5
> (sleep 1) ;; 1
> (sleep 1) ;; 2
> (sleep 1) ;; 3
> (sleep 1) ;; 4
> (sleep 1) ;; 5
> (sleep 1) ;; 1
> (sleep 1) ;; 2
> (sleep 1) ;; 3
> ))
> |#
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