Re: Finance question...
There are still areas where LispWorks is difficult to beat. Our sequencing tool called elPrep [1] works pretty well with LispWorks, and deals very well with large amounts of in-memory data, tested with a few hundreds of GB of data in RAM. We barely got SBCL to handle such amount of data, and it requires reconfiguration of SBCL, whereas LispWorks accommodates such data quite well.
We haven’t ported elPrep to other CL implementations, so other CLs may also do well, but so far, LispWorks has always worked out very well for me and projects I have been involved in.
> On 20 Sep 2016, at 12:03, Tim Bradshaw <> wrote:
> I essentially pay for it myself (I actually pay through a company I own half of). I do have an intention to use it in anger at some point (and have done in the past) but am not doing so currently.
> You can just buy a license and then you can use that version for ever. If you want to keep it current then you can either buy each new version or you can pay a contract which gets you upgrades (I do this). I think that's a common and fair model of charging.
> I suspect other Lisps are now within epsilon of LW in terms of quality of implementation. They are *not* within epsilon in terms of quality of environment, and since I spend a lot of time writing and debugging code I care about environment a lot: the LW environment is cheap for what it is.
>> On 20 Sep 2016, at 09:02, emacstheviking <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been learning LQ personal edition for a while now. I know LISP but not the LW environment and so far I like it very very much! As slick as emacs+slime is, LW knocks its socks off IMHO especially regarding debugging and just all-round UI-ness.
>> So... of all the people I see on this list, who has paid for it themselves and who is using it as part of an employed situation? I am curious because the one thing that puts me off is the constant renewal. When I buy other software, I buy it once, I own it, I can pretty much do what I want.
>> Thanks.
>> Sean.
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