Re: CAPI docset for Dash
Nice job! On Windows you can view the same things with Velocity.
MarkOn Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:00 PM, Alexey Veretennikov <> wrote:
For those using Dash ( , which is awesome!) to
quickly access the documentation, I've converted CAPI documentation to
the Dash docset (and added to their docset repository, so it will be
available to download from the Dash).
The docset itself is available at
so you can add it manually.
The converter tool is of course LW app
One can access Dash from LW/OSX using the following Editor command:
(editor:defcommand "Search In Dash" (p &optional name)
"Search current word in Dash"
"Search current word in Dash"
(let* ((name (format nil "~a" (editor:get-symbol-from-point (editor:current-point)))))
(objc:invoke (objc:invoke "NSWorkspace" "sharedWorkspace") "openURL:" (objc:invoke "NSURL" "URLWithString:" (concatenate 'string "dash://" name)))))
And add a binding like
(editor:bind-key "Search In Dash" "Hyper-F1" :global)
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