Operating with big files with LW-7 32bit for OSX
Hello everybody,
Is it safe to do simple filesystem operations with files of big size
(10s of gigabytes) in LW 7 32bit for OSX?
The operations are the following: copy-file, rename-file and probably open and read
few kilobytes from the beginning of the file.
Right now I was able to copy 5.5gb file using copy-file and it looks ok; but just to be
on a safe side without upgrading (400euro + VAT is a lot to upgrade from
Hobbyist DV32bit to Hobbyist DV 64bit)
Is it safe to do simple filesystem operations with files of big size
(10s of gigabytes) in LW 7 32bit for OSX?
The operations are the following: copy-file, rename-file and probably open and read
few kilobytes from the beginning of the file.
Right now I was able to copy 5.5gb file using copy-file and it looks ok; but just to be
on a safe side without upgrading (400euro + VAT is a lot to upgrade from
Hobbyist DV32bit to Hobbyist DV 64bit)