Bad performance on Windows
In our application, we have an "inspector panel" for convenient editing of selected objects. Depending on the type of object selected, the inspector shows different components, text edit boxes, checkboxes, and so on. This is achieved by using a switchable-layout.
On Mac, this works very well. On Windows, it works quite well, but the switching takes quite some time, making the general impression of the program a bit sluggish.
Operations involving changing a layout-description tend to be even slower, sometimes to the extent that it is not really usable in production. Often, you can see the layout being populated rather than being instantly displayed. I was able to work around that by enabling double buffering of the entire interface, however that increased the memory footprint and also made some pinboard-layouts leave drawing artifacts.
Is there anything one can do to increase the responsiveness of LWW applications with changing layouts?
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