Output fasl directory
Hi all, I’d like my fasl-output directory to be kept separate to project directories, mostly for aesthetic reasons, but it can also be annoying opening files in the LW editor having filename autocomplete stumble between *.lisp and *.*fasl files. Using an :OBJECT-PATHNAME form in each LW:DEFSYSTEM works well enough for COMPILE-SYSTEM calls. However compilation in the editor buffer (e.g. compile-defun-command and compile-buffer-command) leaves *.*fasl droppings in the directories. My first attempt in my .lispworks init file: (defadvice (compile-file dont-save-fasl :around) (&rest args) (if (getf (cdr args) :in-memory) (apply #'call-next-advice args) (apply #'call-next-advice (car args) :output-file :temp (loop for (a b) on (cdr args) by #'cddr nconc (unless (eq a :output-file) (list a b)))))) appears to work well enough for buffer compilation commands, but now fails miserably for COMPILE-SYSTEM ; it can’t find the output *.*fasl files for LOAD-SYTEM (obviously enough, because my DEFADVICE puts the *.*fasl files in a temp folder). Any suggestions on a better approach? Goal here is simply to keep *.*fasl files away from the source files. Adam _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users lisp-hug@lispworks.com http://www.lispworks.com/support/lisp-hug.html