We’ve been using KnowledgeWorks for quite a while here on several projects here at Ford.
We are very satisfied with the product – it integrates well with LispWorks and it’s very easy to express knowledge in the rules. Our rules can be quite complex but
there are good debugging tools available and it’s been fairly easy to add to and maintain the rulebase. Our system uses about 400 KW rules and they utilize forward-chaining.
The KW rules are just compiled the same way as Lisp code and the processing begins with a simple call from the application.
Nestor Rychtyckyj
Technical Specialist, Artificial Intelligence
Plant Floor – Manufacturing Systems
Ford Motor Company
Itek – West
ph: (313) 32-26744
fax: (313) 59-43886
From: []
On Behalf Of Gerry Weaver
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:10 PM
Subject: KnowledgeWorks
Hello All,
I have a project coming up that will need to support some business rules. I was considering something in the Prolog area for this. Has anyone used KnowledgeWorks for something like this? I need something that is reasonably efficient, because
there will be some user facing queries running. I’m trying to decide between using KnowledgeWorks or just making some FLI calls to an embedded prolog. I would appreciated any experiences and/or recommendations y’all might have on this.