Embed Scene Kit View (SCNView) in a capi pane?
I am trying to embed a Scene Kit view SCNView in a cap pane. I tried to adapt the movie-view.lisp under objc/examples which embeds an NSMovieView. However I cannot get to display the SCNView.
I have attached the code. (scenekit-view.lisp)
SCNView reference: https://developer.apple.com/Library/mac/documentation/SceneKit/Reference/SCNView_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/cl/SCNView
I also load the Scene Kit framework.
CL-USER 50 > (objc:ensure-objc-initialized
I am loading the OpenGL framework as Scene Kit uses OpenGL behind the scenes.
Any help/suggestions really appreciated.
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To see a miracle, be the miracle.