Re: equal-getf
2014-08-25 8:22 GMT+01:00 Erik Ronström:
> All right, I'm starting to understand how define-setf-expander works (I think).
That's the spirit!
> This is how the code has progressed so far. I renamed the function, added a test parameter, and also a version of remf.
> Erik
> (defun agetf (plist indicator &key (test #'equal) default)
> (loop for key in plist by #'cddr
> for value in (rest plist) by #'cddr
> when (funcall test key indicator)
> return value)
> default)
Very well, but the keyword arguments will add a little bit of
complexity in the setf expander. One way to avoid it is by using
optional arguments, but that introduces a style problem when you want
to provide a later argument but not an earlier one.
> (define-setf-expander agetf (place indicator &key (test #'equal) &environment env)
> (multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores store-form access-form)
> (get-setf-expansion place env) ; Get setf expansion for place
> (let ((i-temp (gensym))
> (store (gensym))
> (s-temp (first stores)))
> (if (cdr stores) (error "Can't expand this."))
A better test would be (or (null stores) (rest stores)), otherwise
you'll let go a no-values places, and binding ,s-temp will signal an
error stating you can't bind to nil.
> ;;; Return the setf expansion as five values.
> (values (append temps (list i-temp)) ; Temporary variables
> (append vals (list indicator)) ; Value forms
Here's the complexity of the keyword arguments: they too should all be
evaluated once only from left-to-right.
There is an easy way, providing a temp for the form (list
,@rest-args), where rest-args is the &rest argument, and in the writer
and reader forms, use destructuring-bind to obtain the keyword
This will take care of evaluating repeated keyword arguments (e.g.
:test 'eql :test 'equal), even though the first is what counts, and
it'll take care of evaluating all forms in case :allow-other-keys is
true (e.g. :test 'eql :foo (max 1 most-positive-fixnum)
:allow-other-keys t).
If you care about maximum efficiency, the expansion will suffer a bit
more in added complexity, much like half of what destructuring-bind
does, but to save the resulting code from accessing the keyword
arguments repeatedly.
I suggest you just go for the simple way here, because I think the
performance and garbage impact will be negligible for 99.999% of the
> (list store) ; Store variables
> (let ((key-cons (gensym "key-cons"))
> (gaccess-form (gensym "access-form"))
> (gtest (gensym "test")))
> `(let ((,gaccess-form ,access-form)
> (,gtest ,test))
Here, you'd do:
(destructuring-bind (&key ((,gtest :test) 'eql) default)
> (loop for ,key-cons on ,access-form by #'cddr do
> (when (funcall ,gtest (car ,key-cons) ,i-temp)
> (setf (cadr ,key-cons) ,store)
> (return ,store))
> finally
> (let ((,s-temp (list* ,i-temp ,store ,access-form)))
> ,store-form
> (return ,store))))) ; Storing form
> `(agetf ,access-form ,i-temp :test ,test) ; Accessing form
Here, due to keyword arguments, you'd:
(apply 'agetf ,access-form ,i-temp ,rest-temp)
> ))))
> (defmacro aremf (place indicator &key (test #'equal))
> (let ((gplace (gensym))
> (gindicator (gensym))
> (key-cons (gensym))
> (gtest (gensym)))
> `(let ((,gplace ,place)
> (,gindicator ,indicator)
> (,gtest ,test))
> (if (funcall ,gtest (car ,gplace) ,gindicator)
> (progn
> (setf ,place (cddr ,gplace))
This isn't a setf expander. However, you need to use
get-setf-expansion too. With the current code, you're evaluating the
subforms of place more than once.
Another thing to care about is the actual evaluation of the
reader-form. If I remember correctly, read-modify-write macros
evaluate all arguments from left-to-right. For the (each, in case of
multiple) place argument, only its subforms are evaluated. After
1. The reader-form of (each) place is evaluated (from left-to-right)
2. The modification computation is performed (for each place from
left-to-right), and its return values are bound to the store-vars (of
each place)
4. The writer-form of (each) place is evaluated (from left-to-right)
PS: I wrote something about this topic, but I moved it to the end of
the message, because I think it would confuse rather than help by
leaving it here.
> t)
> (loop for ,key-cons on (cdr ,gplace) by #'cddr do
> (when (funcall ,gtest (cadr ,key-cons) ,gindicator)
Just before getting to the end of the list, ,gtest will be called with
a first argument of nil, so you need to check for (cdr ,key-cons)
> (setf (cdr ,key-cons) (cdddr ,key-cons))
> (return t))
> finally
> (return nil))))))
You're almost there, good job.
Implementing the setf of agetf and the aremf macro are really good
exercises about defining and using setf expansions, and a great step
for understanding what happens under the hood.
The notable multiple place macros are setf, psetf, shiftf, rotatef and
assert. There rules for assert are explicitly undefined.
Surprisingly, only psetf and rotatef aren't violations to the
read-modify-write macro rules, except for dealing with multiple values
For setf:
1. For each pair of arguments (from left-to-right):
1.1. The subforms of place are evaluated and bound
1.2. The newvalue form is evaluated, and its values are bound to the
place's store-vars
1.3. The writer-form of place is evaluated (by the rules, this would
happen after point 1, as in psetf)
(setf a b c d) => (progn (setf a b) (setf c d))
For psetf:
1. For each pair of arguments (from left-to-right):
1.1. The subforms of place are evaluated and bound
1.2. The newvalue form is evaluated, and its return values are bound
to the place's store-vars
2. For each pair (from left-to-right):
2.1. The writer-form of place is evaluated
3. Return nil
For shiftf:
1. For each place (from left-to-right):
1.1. The subforms of place are evaluated and bound
2. The reader-form of the first place is evaluated, and its return
values are saved
3. For each of the rest of the places (from left-to-right):
3.1. The reader-form of place is evaluated, and its return values are
bound to the store-vars of the previous place
4. The newvalue form is evaluated, and its return values are bound to
the store-vars of the last place (by the rules, this would happen
before point 3)
5. For each place (from left-to-right)
5.1. The writer-form of place is evaluated
6. The values returned by the first reader-form are returned (e.g.
point 2 could just be a multiple-value-prog1)
For rotatef:
1. For each place (from left-to-right):
1.1. The subforms of place are evaluated and bound
2. The reader-form of the first place is evaluated, and its return
values are bound to the store-vars of the last place
3. For each of the rest of the places (from left-to-right):
3.1. The reader-form of place is evaluated, and its return values are
bound to the store-vars of the previous place
4. For each place:
4.1. The writer-form of place is evaluated
5. Return nil
Best regards,
Paulo Madeira
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