Help with macro, please
In my HTTP package for LW I have a with-headers macro.
It is used like so:
(with-headers ((content-length "Content-Length")
(content-type "Content-Type" :if-not-found "text/plain"))
(response-headers response)
(print content-length)
(print content-type))
However, I'd like to extend the macro so that the variables (e.g. content-length and content-type, among any others) are setf-able from within the macro body, which would overwrite the header value in the response (or request).
I've been trying to find a really good way to do this with a symbol-macrolet, but have been fairly unsuccessful, mostly because it requires an assoc call and I don't want to add the header in the :if-not-found case unless a setf is performed.
My attempts have roughly followed this train of thought:
* Create a 'place' variable that is the assoc lookup.
* Then create a symbol-macrolet that is defined as (second place), which is setf-able.
But, when place is nil, I'm not sure how to go about adding the header (and subsequently redefining the place). I'm also very willing to remove the :if-not-found keyword if it dramatically simplifies the problem.
Thanks in advance for any helpful tips.
Jeff M.