Useful pretty-printing function
Here's the code of my personal package which will pretty-print any
list and which gives a simpler user interface to running an external
program on Linux.
;;;; This file contains a number of useful functions
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :sian
"Useful functions from Sian Mountbatten <>.")
(:nicknames :sm)
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :after
; :rs
(in-package :sian)
(defun debug-now ()
"Gets the current time in the format YYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM."
(let ((l (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))))
(out (make-string-output-stream)))
(format out "~5,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
(+ 19307 (nth 5 l)) ; Phoenician year
(nth 4 l) (nth 3 l)
(nth 2 l) (nth 1 l))
(get-output-stream-string out)))
(defun begins (str chars)
"Returns T if CHARS begin STR.
If STR or CHARS is the empty string, return NIL."
((and (stringp str)
(plusp (length str))
(or (and (stringp chars)
(plusp (length chars))
(>= (length str) (length chars)))
(characterp chars))
(if (characterp chars)
(char= (char str 0) chars)
(string= (subseq str 0 (length chars)) chars))))
(t nil)))
(defun ends (str chars)
"Returns T if CHARS end STR.
If STR or CHARS is the empty string, return NIL."
((and (stringp str)
(plusp (length str))
(or (and (stringp chars)
(plusp (length chars))
(>= (length str) (length chars)))
(characterp chars)))
(if (characterp chars)
(char= (char str (1- (length str))) chars)
(string= (subseq str (- (length str) (length chars))) chars)))
(t nil)))
(defun chop (obj vec start end)
"Auxiliary function for `bin-chop'."
(let ((range (- end start)))
(if (zerop range)
(if (eql obj (svref vec start))
(let ((mid (+ start (round (/ range 2)))))
(let ((obj2 (svref vec mid)))
(if (< obj obj2)
(chop obj vec start (- mid 1))
(if (> obj obj2)
(chop obj vec (+ mid 1) end)
(defun bin-chop (obj vec)
"Finds OBJ in a sorted VEC."
(let ((len (length vec)))
;; if a real vector, send it to chop
(and (plusp len) ; returns nil if empty
(chop obj vec 0 (1- len)))))
(defun occur (item sequence)
"Returns a list of all occurrences of ITEM in SEQUENCE.
If ITEM is NIL, push -1, else the position of ITEM."
(if (null sequence)
(when (or (stringp sequence)
(vectorp sequence)
(listp sequence))
(let (e out)
(dotimes (i (length sequence) (reverse out))
(setf e (elt sequence i))
(if (and (null item) (null e))
(push -1 out)
(when (equalp item e)
(push i out))))))))
(defun upto (s ch)
"Returns S upto, but not including CH.
If CH is not found, returns S."
(if (and (stringp s)
(characterp ch)
(not (zerop (length s))))
(let ((to-ix (position ch s)))
(if (null to-ix)
(subseq s 0 to-ix)))))
(defun downto (s ch)
"Returns S from its end to, but not including, CH.
If CH is not found, returns S."
(if (and (stringp s)
(characterp ch)
(not (zerop (length s))))
(let ((to-ix (position ch s :from-end t)))
(if (null to-ix)
(subseq s (1+ to-ix))))))
(defun after (s ch &optional nz)
"Returns that part of S after the first CH.
If CH is not found, returns a zero-length string.
If NZ, returns S when CH is not found."
(if (and (stringp s)
(characterp ch)
(plusp (length s)))
(let ((ix (position ch s)))
(cond ((null ix) (if nz s ""))
((= ix (1- (length s))) "")
(t (subseq s (1+ ix)))))))
(defun minus (ch1 ch2)
"Returns a string containing all the characters from
ch1 to ch2 or ch2 to ch1, depending on which character is the lesser."
(when (and (characterp ch1) (characterp ch2))
(let ((start (min (char-code ch1) (char-code ch2)))
(finish (max (char-code ch1) (char-code ch2)))
(out (make-string-output-stream)))
(do ((i start (1+ i)))
((> i finish) (get-output-stream-string out))
(write-char (code-char i) out)))))
(defun lop (str ch)
"Removes all characters from STR following the last CH including CH."
(subseq str 0 (position ch str :from-end t)))
(defun tc (path)
"Replace a leading ~ with the home directory."
(if (begins path #\~)
(concatenate 'string
#+lispworks (lw:environment-variable "HOME")
#+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv "HOME")
#+ccl (ccl::getenv "HOME")
(subseq path 1))
(defun norm (dir)
"Normalise DIR by replacing ~, ./ and ../ with the appropriate values."
(let ((p 0) (ds "./" ) (sd "/." ) (dd ".." ) (dds "../" )
(sdd "/.." ) (sds "/./") (sdds "/../") (dot #\.) (stroke #\/)
(flag-dot (code-char 1))
(ss (tc dir))
(cwd #+lispworks (hcl:get-working-directory)
#+sbcl (sb-posix:getcwd)
#+ccl (ccl::current-directory-name)))
(if (not (and (stringp dir) (plusp (length dir))))
(do ()
((not (position dot ss)))
(setf ss
(case (length ss)
(1 cwd)
(2 (cond
((string= ss ds) cwd)
((string= ss sd) (string stroke))
((string= ss dd) (lop cwd stroke))
(substitute flag-dot dot ss))))
(3 (cond
((string= ss dds) (lop cwd stroke))
((string= ss sdd) (string stroke))
((begins ss ds) (subseq ss 2))
(t (substitute flag-dot dot ss))))
(t ;; length > 3
((begins ss ds) (subseq ss 2))
((begins ss dds)
(concatenate 'string (lop cwd stroke) (subseq ss 2)))
((setf p (search sdds ss))
(concatenate 'string
(lop (subseq ss 0 p) stroke) ;remove dir
(subseq ss (+ 3 p))))
((setf p (search sds ss))
(concatenate 'string
(subseq ss 0 p) ; upto p
(subseq ss (+ 2 p)))) ; p+2 onwards
(substitute flag-dot dot ss)))))))
(substitute dot flag-dot ss)))))
(defun split-string (str delim)
"Split STR using DELIM to show the splitting points."
(if (characterp delim)
(let (words (prev 0))
(dolist (pos (occur delim str))
(push (subseq str prev pos) words)
(setf prev (1+ pos)))
(push (subseq str prev) words)
(reverse words))
(defun search-path (prog)
"If PROG is not an absolute path, get its absolute path as a string.
Search for PROG in all the directories in the environment variable PATH,
prepending the user's top-level BIN directory, if it exists."
(let ((path #+lispworks (lw:environment-variable "PATH")
#+sbcl (sb-posix:getcwd)
#+ccl (ccl::getenv "PATH"))
(home-bin (probe-file "~/bin")))
(if (probe-file prog)
(namestring (probe-file prog))
(when home-bin
(setf path (concatenate 'string
(if (ends (namestring home-bin) #\/)
(lop (namestring home-bin) #\/)
(namestring home-bin))
":" path)))
(dolist (dir (split-string path #\:) nil)
(when (plusp (length dir))
(let ((filename (concatenate 'string dir "/" prog)))
(when (probe-file filename)
(return-from search-path filename)))))))))
(defun run (prog &rest args)
"Runs PROG with arguments ARGS and returns two values:
a list of the lines output to *standard-output*.
a list of the lines output to *standard-error*."
(when (and (stringp prog)
(plusp (length prog))
(listp args))
(let* (#+lispworks (prog-path (search-path prog))
(proc #+lispworks (multiple-value-list
(if args
(append (list prog-path) args)
(list prog-path))
:output :stream :error-output :stream :wait nil))
#+sbcl (sb-ext:run-program prog args
:search t
:wait nil
:input nil
:output :stream
:error :stream)
#+ccl (ccl::run-program prog &rest args
:wait nil
:input nil
:output :stream
:error :stream))
out-lines out-error)
(with-open-stream (o #+lispworks (first proc)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:process-output proc)
#+ccl (ccl::external-process-output-stream proc))
(do ((line (read-line o nil nil)
(read-line o nil nil)))
((not line) (if out-lines
(reverse out-lines)
(push line out-lines)))
(with-open-stream (e #+lispworks (second proc)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:process-error proc)
#+ccl (ccl::external-process-error-stream proc))
(do ((line (read-line e nil nil)
(read-line e nil nil)))
((not line) (if out-error
(reverse out-error)
(push line out-error)))))))
(defun copy-file (infn outfn)
"Copy file INFN to OUTFN using block copy. Returns T if successful."
(let ((buffer (make-array 4096
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(with-open-file (instr (norm infn)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(with-open-file (outstr (norm outfn)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(do ((fp (read-sequence buffer instr)
(read-sequence buffer instr)))
((< fp (length buffer))
(when (plusp fp)
(write-sequence buffer outstr :end fp)))
(write-sequence buffer outstr :end fp))))
(run "chmod" (concatenate 'string "--reference=" infn) outfn)))
(defun grep-find (path file-pattern search-pattern
&optional (output-path "/tmp/grep-find.results"))
"Use FIND to find files in PATH whose name is FILE-PATTERN, using
GREP to search for SEARCH-PATTERN. Results will be output to OUTPUT-FILE
which defaults to \"/tmp/grep-find.results\"."
(o output-path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(dolist (line (run "find" path "-name" file-pattern
"-exec" "grep" "-nH" search-pattern "{}" ";"))
(format o "~A~%" line))))
(defun make-dir-name (dirspec)
"Extract the directories from DIRSPEC and create a directory path."
(when (> (length dirspec) 1)
(let (result)
(dolist (dir (cdr dirspec) result)
(setf result
(concatenate 'string result "/" dir))))))
;;; The following functions are all part of PRETTY-LIST (see below)
(defun get-rows (n cols)
"Compute the number of rows in each of COLS columns to display N values."
(multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
(floor n (if (zerop cols) 1 cols))
(if (zerop remainder)
(cons quotient quotient)
(cons (1+ quotient) (1+ remainder)))))
(defun get-col-indexes (elts rows cols)
"Compute the indexes of the entries at the top of each column.
ROWS is the number of rows in the first COLS-1 columns. RESULT is
a list of COLS integers. ELTS is the number of elements in the list."
(let (result)
(if (< elts cols)
(dotimes (i cols)
(push (if (< i elts) i nil) result))
(do ((c 0 (1+ c))
(top 0 (+ top rows)))
((= c cols) (reverse result))
(push top result)))))
(defun compute-col-width (seq key)
"Compute the column width required to display the elements of SEQ.
KEY is as in PRETTY-LIST."
(let (numbers elem)
(dolist (e seq (reduce #'max numbers))
(setf elem (funcall key e))
(push (cond ((stringp elem)
(length elem))
((symbolp elem)
(length (string elem)))
((numberp elem)
(1+ (if (<= elem 0) 1 (floor (log elem 10)))))
((characterp e) 1)
(t 0))
(defun compute-display-cols (num column-width columns)
"Compute the number of columns to display for PRETTY-LIST."
(min num
(floor (parse-integer
(let ((cols #+lispworks (lw:environment-variable "COLUMNS")
#+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv "COLUMNS")))
(if cols cols
(format nil "~D" columns))))
(+ 2 column-width))))
(defun pretty-list (seq
(func #'string<)
(key #'identity)
(stream t)
(window-width 100))
"Output the contents of SEQ in columns, column-sorted according to FUNC.
Use KEY to provide a function which gets an element of SEQ for FUNC.
If STREAM is given, output to it. The WINDOW-WIDTH of the REPL (in
columns) can be given and defaults to 100."
(let* ((sorted-seq (sort (copy-seq seq) func :key key))
(s (make-string-output-stream))
(column-width (compute-col-width seq key))
(compute-display-cols (length seq) column-width window-width))
(display-rows (get-rows (length seq) display-cols))
(col-indexes (get-col-indexes
(length seq) (car display-rows) display-cols))
(format-string (concatenate 'string
(format nil "~D" (+ 2 column-width))
(outstr (if (not stream)
;; STREAM specified as NIL (see default above)
(dotimes (r (car display-rows) t)
(dotimes (c display-cols)
(let* ((seq-ix (nth c col-indexes)) ; index into sorted-seq
(elem (if (and seq-ix (< seq-ix (length seq)))
(funcall key (nth seq-ix sorted-seq))
(format s format-string (if elem elem #\Space))))
(format outstr "~A~%" (string-trim " " (get-output-stream-string s)))
(dotimes (i display-cols)
(when (nth i col-indexes)
(incf (nth i col-indexes)))))))
(defun external-symbols (pkg &key stream)
"Output the external symbols of package PKG in columns sorted vertically.
If STREAM is a stream, output to it, otherwise display the output. Returns
the number of external symbols."
(let (unsorted-list)
(do-external-symbols (sym pkg)
(push sym unsorted-list))
(when (plusp (length unsorted-list))
(pretty-list unsorted-list :key #'string :stream stream))
(length unsorted-list)))
(defun pretty-apropos (string &key pkg stream)
"Display an apropos list of all names containing STRING.
If PKG is T, only of that package, otherwise all packages.
If STREAM is given, output to it."
(let ((al (apropos-list string pkg)))
(when (plusp (length al))
(pretty-list al :key #'string :stream stream))))
;; Note that the output from (pretty-apropos ...) does not give the
details that the (apropos ...) function, provided by LispWorks, does.
Thus, to get a listing of the current directory, all you need to write
(sm:pretty-list (sm:run "ls"))
Dr Sian Mountbatten
Associate member of the FSF no. 10888
Asocia membro de la Libera Programara Fonduso n-ro 10888
Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users