Keyword argument ordering
I haven't found this in the spec, so I'm hoping I'm just blind and this isn't implementation dependent. I'm implementing a kind of "copy-with-overrides" function, I'll get to that in a second.(defclass foo ()
((a :initarg :a :accessor foo-a)))
(foo-a (make-instance 'foo :a 10 :a 20 :a 30)) ;=> 10
As you can see, the first keyword to match the initarg is used. The same holds true if I use a defstruct to define foo instead of a class. Will this always be the case across implementations?
Next, because perhaps someone has a better solution, my copy-with-overrides function generally works something like this:
(defun clone-foo (foo &key a)
(make-instance 'foo :a (or a (foo-a foo))))
Except that it has a lot more keys to override. I have another instance where the initargs are built up and I'm going to use #'apply to make the instance using a spec that was built from somewhere else, but I'd like to override aspects of it. If the above keyword ordering holds true then I should be able to do this:
(defun clone-foo (foo spec &rest initargs &key a)
(apply #'make-instance 'foo (nconc initargs spec)))
Are these valid assumptions?
Anyone have other suggestions for how to go about doing this in a better way?
Jeff M.