Magic symbol :CHE in delivery
Hello lispworkers, I have bumped into an unexplainable error while delivering on level 5 in LWW 4.4.6. The simplified problem description is as follows. This list is embedded into my delivered application. (defparameter *regions* (list (make-instance 'region :code :MOS :name "Moscow") (make-instance 'region :code :CHE :name "Chelyabinsk") (make-instance 'region :code :YAR :name "Yaroslavl"))) My application deals with standard-object instances, which refer to the regions by code keywords. Namely, it - creates objects, - saves these objects into data files calling hcl:dump-forms-to-file, - it reloads them calling sys:load-data-file. Internally, the application retrieves regions like this: (find (region-code object) *regions* :key #'code) All the regions work fine except for the :CHE region. The above call returns NIL when delivered on level 5. When delivered on level 4, it returns the right thing, something like #<REGION :CHE "Chelyabinsk"> Specifying argument :keep-symbol-names '(:che) to the delivery function does not help. -- Sincerely, Dmitry Ivanov _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users