Error in delivered application using define-action with :after argument on LWW 4.4
Hello lispworkers, First time, I have defined an action including the :after argument, e.g. (lw:define-action "Initialize product" "Initialize cards" 'ensure-oksa-module :after "Set special preferences") On starting up, my application displays Undefined function SYSTEM::%ACT-4-NAM called with arguments (#S(#:ACT)) The application starts normally if I defined the action as follows: (lw:define-action "Initialize product" "Initialize cards" 'ensure-oksa-module) I realize that some symbols (and maybe symbol names) should be kept but failed to discover what exactly. After I deliver with the argument :symbol-names-action :dump, the application complains about undefined function SYSTEM::%!75-4-\"&[ and invoking mm::recover-name-from-file does not help to discover the real name of the symbol. I have been delivering applications that include action lists without the :after on LWW 4.4 successfully for years. Sigh... -- Sincerely, Dmitry Ivanov _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users