Sparkle updating framework
Hi allI am trying to use the Sparkle updating framework together with an App built using LispWorks. Sparkle.framework resides in the Contents/Frameworks folder of the built App, and I use the LispWorks Objective-C interface to call Sparkle, something like this:
(let ((updater (objc:invoke "SUUpdater" "sharedUpdater")))
(objc:invoke updater "checkForUpdates:" "sender")))
Our App itself adapts to the language set in System Settings, after running this function at startup:
(defun default-language ()
(objc:with-autorelease-pool ()(objc:invoke-into
(objc:invoke "NSUserDefaults" "standardUserDefaults")
"objectForKey:" "AppleLanguages")
"objectAtIndex:" 0)))
Sparkle.framework has a number of localized lproj folders in Resources, but it always chooses the en.lproj folder, so I always get the update interface in English.
How can I, at runtime, tell Sparkle to choose any of the other lproj folders?
When using Sparkle with an App built using Xcode, this seems to happen automatically.