Re: Lispworks IDE on Linux
Hello - My answer could be not in a direct correlation to your question, but I want to show you my .lispworks file that I use on Linux (Ubuntu). Mostly I do my work on LW on Windows, but when I use LW on Linux I want to get rid of the "uber window" and this mailing group helped me with the answer to that problem some time ago (see the second part of my .lispworks for the code I was given). The first part of my .lispworks is just some bindings to emulate emacs, turning off syntax highlighting and the use of ctrl-m as the enter key in all situation. Best, Art -------------- (editor:global-font-lock-mode-command nil) (editor:bind-key "Beginning of Line" "Home" :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "End of Line" "End" :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "New Line" #\control-\m :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Complete Symbol" #\control-\i :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Point to Register" #(#\control-\x #\r #\Space) :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Jump to Register" #(#\control-\x #\r #\j) :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Copy to Register" #(#\control-\x #\r #\s) :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Insert Register" #(#\control-\x #\r #\i) :global :emacs) (editor:bind-key "Execute or Insert Newline or Yank from Previous Prompt" #\control-\m :mode "Execute") (editor:bind-key "Confirm Parse" #\control-\m :mode "Echo Area") ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; initially from ;; the small annoying window toolbar is called lispworks-echo-podium ;; note that lispwoks has lispworks-podium, but is not exported (defparameter *the-echo-podium* nil) (define-action "CAPI Create Interface" "catch the echo podium" #'(lambda (interface) (when (typep interface 'lw-tools:lispworks-echo-podium) (capi:hide-interface interface nil) (setf *the-echo-podium* interface)))) ;; I tried to kill the podium in the previous stage, but it seems that ;; it is being checked for at startup, so I needed to catch it, ;; and then kill it later on (define-action "Initialize LispWorks Tools" "Kill this echo podium" #'(lambda (obj) (declare (ignore obj)) (capi:quit-interface *the-echo-podium* :force t)) :after "Create default the tools" :before "Run the environment start up functions") _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users