Lispworks-6-1-0-macos-universal-gtk editor
Hello,I develop a legacy application with its origins in CLIM, thus the use of macos-universal-gtk rather than the native Lispworks app.
After 18 or so years using MCL's FRED, I struggle in Lispworks editors, more so for the Mac version than the Windows version.
I have been using the EMACS editor with macos-universal-gtk because Fred Resembles Emacs Deliberately.
The features of FRED I would like most are:
1. Paste buffer into Find and Replace window and CLIM-accept window
2. Balancing parentheses across scrolling windows
3. Double click to select expression, including quoted text
4. Paste to replace selected text
5. Under buffer window, open file from drop down menu
6. It would also be nice to be able to use the standard Command-x, Command-c, and Command-v for cut copy & paste although the macos-universal-gtk EMACS editor provides alternatives.
Has anyone implemented these features for macos-universal-gtk?
Are these just RTFM questions? I have not been able to locate the manual.