Hi John,
You can either use ASDF (CL 'make'-like facility) or now quicklisp.
If you're on LW 6.1 you can type (require :asdf) which will load the version of ASDF that's bundled with LispWorks. Then load cl-opengl.asd file, and type (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-opengl).
If you don't have ASDF get it here:
http://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/cl-opengl depends on CFFI, which itself has dependencies, and it's much less of a headache (especially on Windows) to use quicklisp to acquire and load libraries. For instructions go here:
http://www.quicklisp.org/beta/Another alternative is the LispWorks defsystem facility, so long as the library has a valid LW defsystem file.
When you define a package you can use (:use <package name>) to reference symbols available in the package without qualification.
> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 17:38:19 -0400
> To: lisp-hug@lispworks.com
> From: cyclops@speakeasy.net
> Subject: Using external packages
> Greetings all, I have what is a fairly newbie question :) How do I
> use external packages, on a Windows machine?
> I've downloaded cl-opengl, but where/how, in Lispworks, do I tell it
> how to find the package? The usage examples are typically (:use
> :cl-opengl), with no full path. Thanks.
> John C>
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