Double precision Floor bug?
I noticed this at work in LispWorks 5.1, but I get the same result in LispWorks 6.1 when I just tried it at home: (let ((x 0.59d0) (d 0.01d0)) (multiple-value-bind (div rem) (floor x d) (format t "floor(~A ~A) => ~A ~A~%" x d div rem) (multiple-value-bind (div2 rem2) (floor rem d) (format t "floor(~A ~A) => ~A ~A~%" rem d div2 rem2)))) floor(0.59D0 0.01D0) => 58 0.010000000000000009D0 floor(0.010000000000000009D0 0.01D0) => 1 8.673617379884036D-18 I would have expected the first result to be 59 0.000000000000000009D0 At first I thought it might some kind of floating-point rounding/precision issue, but I don't think that would explain the second value returned by floor being greater than the second argument given to floor. Regards Guy Footring _______________________________________________ Lisp Hug - the mailing list for LispWorks users