I keep that window up, since it provides a convenient way to shut LW down and close all windows.
But, if you really want to, try:
1. use Works >> Window Browser to find the name (string) for that window
2. from the listener try (mp:find-process-from-name "LispWorks 6.1.0 on <your-machine-name>")
3. (mp:process-kill *)
If that works (it did for me), then read up on define-action and put a (define-action "Initialize LispWorks Tools" ...) in your .lispworks. I
From: Art Obrezan <artobrezan@yahoo.com>
To: lisp-hug@lispworks.com
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:37:08 AM
Subject: linux ide question
Hello -
LW 6.1 linux 32bits. When it starts there are two windows, the "main" one with a toolbar and menus and the listener window. The "main" window is actually of no use because one can access all tools via menus in listener, editor,
etc. windows. I can manually close that "main" window after the startup and proceed with work.
Question: how can I automatically close that "main" window during the startup? Any tricks to add to the .lispworks file?