Tab-layout problem
I require a rich-text-pane as a tab within a tab-layout. However
functions like the
(rich-text-pane-text) do not work when the pane
is not placed as the first pane in the tab-layout.
(defun foo ()
(let* ((first-pane (make-instance 'capi:output-pane
:background :red))
(second-pane (make-instance 'capi:rich-text-pane
:text "abc"))
(layout (make-instance 'capi:tab-layout
:items (list (list "First" first-pane)
(list "Second" second-pane))
:print-function 'car
(capi:contain layout)))
I have tried sub-classing the rich-text-pane and then defining an
:after method on the interface-display method as mentioned in the
CAPI reference manual, but the method is not being called. Is
there a way around this problem?
Thanks in