Text output on startup
Unable to parse email body. Email id is 11362
Unable to parse email body. Email id is 11362
Hi Paul Here is a small example of writing in the listener at startup using define-action. I use a similar construct to set the current package. (define-action "Initialize LispWorks Tools" "Do a little format" #'(lambda (screen) (declare (ignore screen)) (capi:map-pane-descendant-children (first (capi:collect-interfaces 'lw-tools:listener)) #'(lambda (x) (when (eq (type-of x) 'capi:listener-pane) (capi:interactive-pane-execute-command x "(format t \"Level ~a\" (+ 40 2))")))))) Hope it helps! Sven Emtell 25 okt 2011 kl. 23.32 skrev Paul Tarvydas: > > Does anyone know how to print (format) some text during startup (e.g. from .lispworks) so that it appears in the listener or in emacs/slime? > > thanks > pt