Dear List I am trying run JFLI (Java Foreign Language Interface for CL) with LispWorks 6.0.1 on MacOSX 10.6.7 Following the quickstart tutorial, I can set the JVM path and start it (apparently successfully) : (setf *jni-lib-path* "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM") (create-jvm (concatenate 'string "-Djava.class.path=" (namestring (current-pathname "jfli/jfli.jar")))) => 0, #<Pointer: JNI:PVM = #x0861BAF8>, #<Pointer: JNI:PENV = #x09800118> However, I get a bus error as soon as I try to define the first binding : (def-java-class "java.lang.Object") Bus error(10) [code 0] at 0 eax 0 ; ebx B0734DF0 ; ecx 219FBD8E ; edx 103A800 esp B0734DDC ; ebp EE8FE834 ; esi 20071A42 ; edi 101CC00 Does someone have some experience with JFLI on MacOSX ? Thanks for any help or advise! Jean Bresson