Interfacing LispWorks with devices
Hi ! I would like to interface interfacing physical devices with LispWorks in a cross platform way. This could be joysticks, sensors, or multi-touch tablets ... more or less simple devices. I already have written user-space drivers for these devices in C or C++, so I could spawn child processes which would pipe the devices' data as lisp tuples on their standard-output. On LispWorks side, I would "(read)" the data, but since it is a blocking call, I am not sure exactly how I can read from several of those processes simultaneously (1). It looks like I will need to use multi-processing to have a thread for each child process. I also need to communicate with the devices, like turning on a LED. I thought I could use the same idea the other way, ie sending tuples to the standard-input. That would require to parse the lisp formatted tuple, which does not look very convenient from C (2). - First of all, is there something LispWork provides that would be more suited to my problem or better than just using stdio? - Do you have suggestions for (1) or (2)? Thank you for reading. Best Regards, Cam