capi:text-input-range in toolbar
I have problems using a capi:text-input-range in a window toolbar (LW 6.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.5). In the interface definition I use something like: (my-choice :accessor my-choice :initform (make-instance 'capi:text-input-range :title "My Title" :start 0 :end 200 :value 100 :callback 'my-callback :callback-type :interface :enabled nil) :type capi:text-input-range) Then I have a creation callback for the interface, something like this: (defun my-interface-create-callback (interface) ;; toolbar buttons (setf (capi:interface-toolbar-items interface) (list (my-choice interface)))) When the creation callback is run, I get an error saying: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CAPI-COCOA- LIBRARY::REPRESENTATION-OUTERMOST-VIEW 21095A42 with args (NIL)> If I instead use a capi:text-input-pane in the interface definition, the interface is nicely displayed: (my-choice :accessor my-choice :initform (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "My Title" :text "100" :callback 'my-callback :callback-type :interface) :type capi:text-input-pane) Thanks! Sven