capi:title-pane not updating
I create a simple interface, restricted in size, with a capi:title-pane displaying a text. When trying to change the text to a text that doesn't fit in the interface, the title-pane won't update (see listener excerpt below)
I would expect to see the text truncated.
I am using LW6 on Mac OS X 10.5 by the way.
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
Listener excerpt:
The title-pane text is updated nicely in 4, but not in 6.
In both cases the title-pan returns the updated text.
1 > (capi:define-interface test-panel () ()
(title capi:title-pane
:accessor title
:text "short text"))
(main-layout capi:column-layout
:min-width 100
:max-width 100
:min-height 100
:max-height 100))
2 > (setf tp (capi:display (make-instance 'test-panel)))
#<TEST-PANEL "Untitled LispWorks Interface - 8" 23FC6173>
3 > (capi:title-pane-text (title tp))
"short text"
4 > (setf (capi:title-pane-text (title tp)) "a longer text")
"a longer text"
5 > (capi:title-pane-text (title tp))
"a longer text"
6 > (setf (capi:title-pane-text (title tp)) "an even longer text")
"an even longer text"
7 > (capi:title-pane-text (title tp))
"an even longer text"