Multi-line-text-input-pane behavior
In using CAPI:MULTI-LINE-TEXT-INPUT-PANE I'm finding that text wrapping is not happening consistently when I resize the enclosing window. Wrapping seems to work fine when I'm typing text, and enlarging the window seems to produce the expected result. However, when I make the window smaller, 1) when there's only one line of text, the text shifts to the left so that the end of the line is at the right edge of the pane, but the left end of the text does not appear; and 2) when there is more than one line of text, the text stays pinned to the left edge of the pane. Is this a bug, or am I missing something? (LWM Pro 6.0.1, MBP OS X 10.6.6) Thanks, as always. Laughing Water