Double-click on capi:tree-view opens a window but TAB key does not work
Hello lispworkers, Please evaluated the following code. ;;; Very similar to examples/capi/choice/tree-view.lisp (in-package "CL-USER") (defvar *my-image-list* (make-instance 'capi:image-list :image-sets (list (capi:make-general-image-set :id #.(gp:read-external-image (current-pathname"tree.bmp")) :image-count 4)) :image-width 16 :image-height 16)) (capi:define-interface tree-view-activate () () (:panes (tree capi:tree-view :roots '(1 2 3 4) :children-function #'(lambda (x) (and (< x 100) (let ((base (* x 4))) (list (+ base 1) (+ base 2) (+ base 3) (+ base 4))))) :image-lists (list :normal *my-image-list*) :image-function #'(lambda (x) (mod (1- x) 4)) :visible-min-width 200 :visible-min-height 200 :retain-expanded-nodes t :action-callback #'(lambda (item self) (declare (ignore self)) (format t "~&Activate before ~S" item) (capi:find-interface 'second-interface) (format t "~&Activate after ~S" item)))) (:layouts (default-layout capi:simple-layout '(tree))) (:default-initargs :title "DOUBLE-CLICK to Open Second Window")) (capi:define-interface second-interface () () (:panes (text1 capi:text-input-pane :title "Text1:") (text2 capi:text-input-pane :title "Text2:")) (:layouts (main-layout capi:column-layout '(text1 text2))) (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout :title "Second Interface - TAB does not work" :activate-callback (lambda (interface state) (format t "~&Activate interface state ~S" state)))) (capi:display (make-instance 'tree-view-activate)) On Windows XP SP3, the second window "feels bad" just on opening it by means of double-clicking on a tree view item. Neither the TAB key nor menu accelerators (if there were some) work - the window beeps. After closing the second window and reopening it by means of pressing ENTER, it works fine. I have tested with LWW 4.4 and LWW 5.1.1 Personal. On Windows 2000, everything works fine on LWW 4.4 (have not tried LWW 5.1.1). -- Sincerely, Dmitriy Ivanov