Help on : tree-view-update-item function
Hi guys
I am stuck in a very simple piece of code and need help.
(defclass MyTreeNode ()
(( ... )))
(setq RootNode (make-instance 'MyTreeNode ...))
(setq TV (make-instance 'tree-view :roots (list RootNode)))
(contain TV)
Till here the tree-view is opened with the RootNode in it.
When the user clicks on the right mouse button I open a popup
nu and add a child to the RootMenu. Now I need to update
the RootMenu in the tree-view to include the newly created
child for RootMenu.
(assert (typep arg1 'MyTreeNode))
(assert (typep arg2 'tree-view))
(tree-view-update-item arg2 arg1 nil) ;*** throws an exception
Please can you tell me why is the tree-view-update-item not working?