Why can't I use this with personal lispworks ? (defsubst square (x) (* x x)) I get this error : Error: Undefined operator DEFSUBST in form (DEFSUBST SQUARE (X) (* X X)). Thanks in advance for help.
Why can't I use this with personal lispworks ? (defsubst square (x) (* x x)) I get this error : Error: Undefined operator DEFSUBST in form (DEFSUBST SQUARE (X) (* X X)). Thanks in advance for help.
Pierre-Yves Andri wrote: > Why can't I use this with personal lispworks ? > (defsubst square (x) (* x x)) DEFSUBST isn't defined by Common Lisp. Assuming you want similar behavior to the operator of the same name in emacs lisp, you might try the following: (defmacro defsubst (name lambda-list &body forms) `(progn (declaim (inline ,name)) (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@forms))) Note: the Hyperspec, a handy reference on Common Lisp, should be accessible via Help -> Manuals -> ANSI Common Lisp Standard. Mike