Re: Help tracking down a memory leak
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Guy Footring <> wrote:
> In message <>, Raymond Wiker
> <> writes
>> I was in a similar situation earlier this year, where I saw that the
>> memory usage was increasing over time. It turned out that this was caused by
>> a bug in Lispworks, where console output was being accumulated in the image.
>> The solution for this was to periodically set win32::*console-outputs* to
>> nil.
>> I wrote some code to investigate the memory usage, including some
>> functions for scanning through all objects in memory and counting the number
>> of allocated objects of each type. This was trivial, given that I could use
>> hcl:sweep-all-objects, but I'd be happy to share even this trivial code if
>> you want something to start from.
> Hi Raymond.
> I've been playing around with sweep-all-objects, but I'd be interested to
> see what you have to see how it compares with my quick first-cut approach of
> doing a gc, then sticking everything found into hashtable and then seeing
> what's new after running the operation. I'm seeing all sorts of stuff that
> I wasn't expecting to see, making me wonder if objects will get found
> correctly in a hash table if GC has moved them...
Interference from other threads, maybe?
3 simple functions; the first lists the number of internal and
external symbols in each package, sorted by total symbol count per
package. The second lists the number of allocated objects per
class/type, while the third dumps all simple-strings to a file (which
I did because I noticed that the allocation of simple-strings appeared
to be growing more than I expected it to).
(defun package-sizes (&optional (stream t))
(dolist (package (sort (list-all-packages)
:key (lambda (p)
(+ (slot-value p
(slot-value p
(with-slots (system::name system::internal-symbols-count
(format stream "~&~40a: internal: ~5,' d, external: ~5,' d~%"
(defun type-counts (&optional (stream t))
(let ((typemap (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(hcl:sweep-all-objects (lambda (o)
(incf (gethash (class-name (class-of
o)) typemap 0)))))
(let ((types-and-counts nil))
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(push (cons k v) types-and-counts))
(dolist (type-and-count (sort types-and-counts #'> :key #'cdr))
(format stream "~&~80a: ~10d~%"
(concatenate 'string
(package-name (symbol-package (car
(symbol-name (car type-and-count)))
(cdr type-and-count))))))
(defun dump-simple-strings (&optional (stream t))
(flet ((emit-char (c)
(if (and (typep c 'base-char) (graphic-char-p c) (not (char= c #\\)))
(format stream "~c" c)
(format stream "\\~4,'0X" (char-code c)))))
(lambda (o)
(when (eq (class-name (class-of o)) 'common-lisp:simple-string)
(let ((string-length (length o)))
(format stream "~&Length: ~7d; Value = " (length o))
(if (< (length o) 128)
(loop for c across o
do (emit-char c))
(loop for c across o
for i below 60
do (emit-char c))
(format stream " ... ")
(loop for i from (- string-length 60) below string-length
do (emit-char (char o i)))))
(terpri stream))))))))